| 1863 | 7 reads | 3.17 | |
The Populist Persuasion: An American History | 1995 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Art of War in the Middle Ages: A.D. 378–1515 - Charles William Chadwick Oman
| 1884 | 1 read | 4 | |
The Anabasis of Cyrus - Xenophon
- Wayne Ambler (Translator)
| -400 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Beauty and Revolution in Science | 1996 | 1 read | 0 | |
Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis | 1974 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Fighting for Virtue: Justice and Politics in Thailand | 2020 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Tearing Apart the Land: Islam and Legitimacy in Southern Thailand | 2008 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Hausaland Divided: Colonialism and Independence in Nigeria and Niger | 1994 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Maid to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers | 2007 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Maid to Order in Hong Kong: An Ethnography of Filipina Workers | 1997 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Battle for Fortune: State-Led Development, Personhood, and Power among Tibetans in China | 2018 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Policing China: Street-Level Cops in the Shadow of Protest | 2021 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Identity in Formation: The Russian-Speaking Populations in the New Abroad | 1998 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Cambodia Confounds The Peacemakers 1979-1998 - MacAlister Brown
- Joseph Jermiah Zasloff
| 1998 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode | 1982 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Twilight of the Titans: Great Power Decline and Retrenchment - Paul K. MacDonald
- Joseph M. Parent
| 2017 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 54 | 1 read | 4 | |
No One Helped: Kitty Genovese, New York City, and the Myth of Urban Apathy | 2015 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Dirt for Art's Sake: Books on Trial from Madame Bovary to Lolita | 2006 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Bullets Not Ballots: Success in Counterinsurgency Warfare | 2021 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Transcending Capitalism: Visions of a New Society in Modern American Thought | 2006 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Everyday Life in the North Korean Revolution, 1945–1950 | 2013 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Nature of Mind and Other Essays | 1981 | 0 reads | 0 | |
A Tremendous Thing: Friendship from the Iliad to the Internet | 2014 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals; An Introduction to Modern Structural Chemistry. | 1940 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Monarch Butterfly: Biology and Conservation | 2004 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Safety in Numbers: Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and the Future of Health Care - Suzanne Gordon
- John Buchanan
| 2008 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Code Green: Money-Driven Hospitals and the Dismantling of Nursing | 2003 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Nursing against the Odds: How Health Care Cost Cutting, Media Stereotypes, and Medical Hubris Undermine Nurses and Patient Care | 2005 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews - Michel Foucault
- Sherry Simon (Translator)
| 1977 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Fixing the Facts: National Security and the Politics of Intelligence | 2011 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Violating Peace: Sex, Aid, and Peacekeeping | 2020 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Worked Over: The Corporate Sabotage of an American Community | 2003 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Virtuous Wehrmacht: Crafting the Myth of the German Soldier on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944 | 2021 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Korean Workers: The Culture and Politics of Class Formation | 2001 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Only Muslim: Embodying Islam in Twentieth-Century France | 2012 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Spirit and Its Letter: Traces of Rhetoric in Hegel's Philosophy of Bildung | 1988 | 0 reads | 5 | |
Households: On the Moral Architecture of the Economy | 1993 | 0 reads | 5 | |
Algeria, 1830–2000: A Short History - Benjamin Stora
- Jane Marie (Translator) Todd
- Jane Marie Todd (Translator)
| 2001 | 1 read | 2 | |
A New New Deal: How Regional Activism Will Reshape the American Labor Movement - Amy B. Dean
- David B. Reynolds
| 2009 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Mass Vaccination: Citizens' Bodies and State Power in Modern China | 2019 | 1 read | 3 | |
Empire of Hope: The Sentimental Politics of Japanese Decline | 2018 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Race Against Empire: Black Americans and Anticolonialism, 1937-1957 | 1997 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The United States of Anonymous: How the First Amendment Shaped Online Speech | 2022 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Fields of Gold: Financing the Global Land Rush | 2020 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Scholems: A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction | 2019 | 1 read | 5 | |
Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia | 2013 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Atomic Tragedy: Henry L. Stimson and the Decision to Use the Bomb against Japan | 2008 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 2013 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Invention of Decolonization: The Algerian War and the Remaking of France | 2006 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Education Myth: How Human Capital Trumped Social Democracy | 2023 | 1 read | 0 | |
Fictions of Embassy: Literature and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe | 2009 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Covert Regime Change: America's Secret Cold War | 2018 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge To China's Future | 2004 | 1 read | 4 | |
| 1997 | 1 read | 0 | |
Inglorious, Illegal Bastards: Japan's Self-Defense Force during the Cold War | 2022 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Machines as the Measure of Men: Science, Technology and Ideologies of Western Dominance | 1989 | 0 reads | 0 | |
America's Cold Warrior: Paul Nitze and National Security from Roosevelt to Reagan | 2024 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Principles in Power: Latin America and the Politics of U.S. Human Rights Diplomacy | 2020 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The North Korean Revolution, 1945-1950 | 2002 | 1 read | 0 | |
Ruffians, Yakuza, Nationalists: The Violent Politics of Modern Japan, 1860–1960 | 2008 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Witness and the Other World: Exotic European Travel Writing, 400–1600 | 1988 | 1 read | 3 | |
Kidnapped Souls: National Indifference and the Battle for Children in the Bohemian Lands, 1900–1948 | 2008 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Ikki: Social Conflict and Political Protest in Early Modern Japan | 1995 | 1 read | 0 | |
Irigaray and Deleuze: Experiments in Visceral Philosophy | 1999 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Making the Fascist Self: The Political Culture of Interwar Italy | 1996 | 1 read | 0 | |
Under the Black Umbrella: Voices from Colonial Korea, 1910–1945 | 2001 | 1 read | 0 | |
Japan Prepares for Total War: The Search for Economic Security, 1919-1941 | 1987 | 1 read | 0 | |
Rethinking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts, Language | 1983 | 1 read | 5 | |
History and Memory After Auschwitz | 1998 | 1 read | 0 | |
Monstrous Bodies/Political Monstrosities in Early Modern Europe | 2004 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Depths of Russia: Oil, Power, and Culture after Socialism | 2015 | 1 read | 5 | |
Heidegger: An Introduction | 1998 | 1 read | 4 | |
Mourning in America: Race and the Politics of Loss | 2016 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Institutional Designs for a Complex World: Bargaining, Linkages, and Nesting | 1998 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Making and Unmaking Nations: War, Leadership, and Genocide in Modern Africa | 2015 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Peacemaking from Above, Peace from Below: Ending Conflict between Regional Rivals | 2016 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Developmental Mindset: The Revival of Financial Activism in South Korea | 2016 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Qatar: Small State, Big Politics | 2013 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti | 2016 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Spheres of Intervention: US Foreign Policy and the Collapse of Lebanon, 1967-1976 | 2016 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Black Lung: Anatomy of a Public Health Disaster | 1998 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Stories of Your Life and Others | 2002 | 1 read | 0 | |
Holy Legionary Youth: Fascist Activism in Interwar Romania | 2015 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Romanian Revolution of December 1989 | 2005 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Eating Beauty: The Eucharist and the Spiritual Arts of the Middle Ages | 2006 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Isle of the Saints: Monastic Settlement and Christian Community in Early Ireland | 1990 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Naturalism Defeated?: Essays on Plantinga's Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism | 2002 | 1 read | 5 | |
Our Changing Menu: Climate Change and the Foods We Love and Need - Michael P Hoffmann
- Carrie Koplinka-Loehr
- Danielle L. Eiseman
| 2021 | 1 read | 3 | |
The Ambiguities of Experience | 2010 | 1 read | 2 | |
The Work of Art: Immanence and Transcendence | 1991 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Poor Numbers: How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What to Do about It | 2013 | 1 read | 3 | |
I Am Where I Come From: Native American College Students and Graduates Tell Their Life Stories | 2017 | 0 reads | 0 | |
A Vulnerable System: The History of Information Security in the Computer Age | 2021 | 1 read | 3 | |
History in Transit: Experience, Identity, Critical Theory | 2004 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Ninigret, Sachem of the Niantics and Narragansetts: Diplomacy, War, and the Balance of Power in Seventeenth-Century New England and Indian Country - Julie A. Fisher
- David J. Silverman
| 2014 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Ghosts of War: Nazi Occupation and Its Aftermath in Soviet Belarus | 2022 | 0 reads | 0 | |
To Set this World Right: The Antislavery Movement in Thoreau's Concord - Sandra Harbert Petrulionis
| 2006 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Taiwan: A Political History | 2002 | 1 read | 4 | |