Dial Press Trade Paperback

Dial Press Trade Paperback is a publisher who has published at least 43 editions.

Slaughterhouse 5
Breakfast of Champions
Slaughterhouse 5
Mother Night
Welcome to the Monkey House
Can You Keep a Secret?
The Undomestic Goddess
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
The Prospects
Most Wonderful
Tell the Wolves I'm Home
A Dictionary of Maqiao
While Mortals Sleep: Unpublished Short Fiction
Sports in America
A Partial History of Lost Causes
On the Nature of Human Romantic Interaction
This Noble Land: My Vision for America
This Shining Life
This Spells Love
Done and Dusted
The Expeditions
The Bestiary
Slaughterhouse 5
After You
The Sisterhood of Blackberry Corner: A Novel
A Trip to the Stars
Tales of the South Pacific
Lost and Lassoed
Presidential Lottery: The Reckless Gamble in Our Electoral System
The Covenant
Plant Life: A Novel
One to Watch
The Other Side of the Bridge
I've Got Your Number
The Archivist's Story: A Novel
The answer is always yes
Horse Barbie: A Memoir of Reclamation
Mini Shopaholic