Dutton Childrens Books

Dutton Childrens Books is a publisher who has published at least 58 editions.

Where She Went
Frightful's Mountain
The Battle of Bubble and Squeak
Is There Life on a Plastic Planet?
The Cucumber King
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Carnival Crime
Where She Went
17 & Gone
Hot Diggity Dog: The History of the Hot Dog
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Secret UFOs
The Way of the Warrior
Monarch butterflies
The Robot Birthday
Revolutionary China: people, politics, and ping-pong.
Growing Older
Someday, Said Mitchell
Tales of an Ashanti Father
Workshops in Space
The El Dorado Adventure
Skippyjon Jones
Elephants on the Beach: 2
Made in Ancient Egypt.
The bears' house
Risking Love
Amy: The Story of a Deaf Child
Pooh's busy day
The Fault in Our Stars
Follow that Ghost: 2
No Applause Please
Domus Anguli Puensis - Latin version of The House at Pooh Corner
All Wild Creatures Welcome: The Story of a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Miss Maggie
The Princess and the Goblin
The Case of the Missing Masterpiece
Come with Me
Gilda Joyce: The Ghost Sonata
Mythical Birds and Beasts from Many Lands
Five Secrets in a Box
Beloved Benjamin is waiting
Dangerous Wishes
When I'm Sleepy
Wonderful Pussy Willows
Girl Who Had No Name
Block City
A Stitch in Time
All About Bread
Who's Sick Today?
The voyage of QV 66
Minerva Louise and the Colorful Eggs
The Snoops
Bikes: 2
If I Had a Hammer: Woodworking With Seven Basic Tools
City of Angels
Boats: 2