Editions de Minuit

Editions de Minuit is a publisher who has published at least 12 editions.

L'amour de l'art : Les musées d'art européens et leur public

January 1, 1966 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 248 pages • Format Paperback • Info 2nd Edition

Dans la solitude des champs de coton

January 1, 1986 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 60 pages • Format Paperback 3

Le port intérieur

Le port intérieur
ByAntoine Volodine

January 1, 1995 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 217 pages • Info 0

Héraclite et la philosophie

March 1, 1962 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 275 pages • Info 0

L'affaire Audin 1957-1978

L'affaire Audin 1957-1978
ByPierre Vidal-Naquet

January 1, 1989 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 189 pages • Info 0

La Salle de bain

La Salle de bain
ByJean-Philippe Toussaint

January 1, 1985 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 122 pages • Info 0

Un temps de saison

Un temps de saison
ByMarie NDiaye

January 1, 1994 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 151 pages • Format Mass Market Paperback • Info Double 3

Waiting for Godot

En attendant Godot
BySamuel Beckett

January 1, 1968 • Physical Book • 163 pages 3.9

Waiting for Godot

En attendant Godot
BySamuel Beckett

January 1, 1952 • Physical Book • 163 pages 3.9


#1 of 3 in The Night Trilogy

La nuit
ByElie Wiesel

January 1, 1958 • Physical Book • 178 pages 4.3


#1 of 3 in The Night Trilogy

La nuit
ByElie Wiesel

January 1, 1958 • Physical Book • 178 pages 4.3


#1 of 3 in The Night Trilogy

La nuit
ByElie Wiesel

January 1, 1958 • Physical Book • 178 pages 4.3