Facts On File

Facts On File is a publisher who has published at least 37 editions.

John Knowles's A Separate Peace
Science Frontiers: 1946 to the Present
Abraham Lincoln: For the People
West Bank/Gaza Strip
Louis Braille
Pablo Casals
Anfernee Hardaway
Italian Americans
Native Americans and Christianity
Education Reform
The Northwest
The Composite Guide to Lacrosse
Jason Kidd
Boyz II Men
The Arab Americans
Women in American Indian Society
Female Writers
The Black Muslims
Dennis Rodman
Whoopi Goldberg
World War I
Territories and possessions
The Puerto Ricans
Jesse James
The composite guide to wrestling
Building a New World: Africans in America
Osceola: Seminole Rebel
Same Time Same Station
The Cahuilla
The Allisons: America's First Family of Stock-Car Racing
What Do Animals Do in Winter?: How Animals Survive the Cold
Nuclear Energy/Nuclear Waste
Race for the South Pole
The Whole World in Your Hands