Fischer (S.), Frankfurt

Fischer (S.), Frankfurt is a publisher who has published at least 9 editions.


January 1, 1901 • Physical Book • 4 Readers • 758 pages • Format Hardcover 4.4

Sternstunden der Menschheit. Vierzehn historische Miniaturen.

January 1, 1927 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 302 pages • Info Leseausgabe. 4

The Trial

Der Proceß
ByFranz Kafka

April 26, 1925 • Physical Book • 355 pages • Info Kritische Ausgabe Textband & Apparatband 4

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Wem die Stunde schlägt
ByErnest Hemingway

October 1, 1940 • Physical Book • 582 pages • Format Paperback 3.8

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Wem die Stunde schlägt.
ByErnest Hemingway

January 1, 1999 • Physical Book • 555 pages 3.8


ByThomas Mann

Physical Book • 3,616 pages 4.4

To the Lighthouse

Zum Leuchtturm
ByVirginia Woolf,Karin Kersten(Translator)

May 5, 1927 • Physical Book • 231 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Gessalmmelte Werke. Prosa 6 3.7

The Plague

Die Pest
ByAlbert Camus

June 1, 1947 • Physical Book • 362 pages 4

The Trial

Der Proceß
ByFranz Kafka

April 26, 1925 • Physical Book • 301 pages • Format Hardcover 4