Fontana Books

Fontana Books is a publisher who has published at least 7 editions.

Air Bridge

Air Bridge
ByHammond Innes

January 1, 1951 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 253 pages • Format Paperback • Info 7-th impression 3

The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita
ByMikhail Bulgakov

January 1, 1968 • Physical Book • 415 pages 4.1

Passenger to Frankfurt

Passenger to Frankfurt
ByAgatha Christie

January 1, 1970 • Physical Book • 192 pages • Format Paperback • Info 3rd Prnting 3

Surprised By Joy: The Shape Of My Early Life

Surprised by joy
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1960 • Physical Book • 190 pages 4.1

Wyatt's hurricane.

Wyatt's hurricane.
ByDesmond Bagley

January 1, 1966 • Physical Book

Mere Christianity

Shepherd's Notes

Mere Christianity
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1955 • Physical Book • 188 pages 4.3

Surprised By Joy: The Shape Of My Early Life

ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1959 • Physical Book • 192 pages 4.1