
Fumax is a publisher who has published at least 17 editions.

Red Sister

#1 of 3 in Book of the Ancestor

Vörös Nővér
ByMark Lawrence,Zoltán Galamb(translator)

April 4, 2017 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 544 pages • Format Hardcover 4.2

Az ördög egyetlen barátja

#4 of 6 in John Cleaver

June 15, 2015 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 296 pages • Format Paperback

A ​pusztulás gyermekei

#2 of 3 in Children of Time

A ​pusztulás gyermekei
ByAdrian Tchaikovsky,Gábor Habony(Translator)

May 14, 2019 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 592 pages • Format Hardcover 5

Az idő gyermekei

#1 of 3 in Children of Time

Az idő gyermekei
ByAdrian Tchaikovsky,Gábor Habony(Translator)

January 1, 2015 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 600 pages • Format Hardcover 4

The Crown Conspiricy

#1 of 6 in The Riyria Revelations

ByMichael J. Sullivan

January 1, 2008 • Physical Book • 342 pages • Format Paperback 4.1

Murderbot Diaries, Vol. 2: Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy

#3-4 of 7 in The Murderbot Diaries

October 14, 2020 • Physical Book • 336 pages • Format Hardcover

Leviathan Wakes

#1 of 9 in The Expanse

Leviatán ébredése
ByJames S. A. Corey

June 2, 2011 • Physical Book • 581 pages • Format Paperback 4.2

Kings of the Wyld

#1 of 3 in The Band

A ​Wadon királyai
ByNicholas Eames

February 21, 2017 • Physical Book • 520 pages • Format Hardcover 4.2

The Martian

#1 of 1 in The Martian

Mentőexpedíció: A marsi
ByRusznyák Csaba(Translator),Andy Weir

September 27, 2011 • E-Book • Format ebook • Info Movie Tie-in Edition 4.4

Our Dark Duet

#2 of 2 in Monsters of Verity

Egy sötét duett
ByMiks-Rédai Viktória(Translator),V. E. Schwab

June 13, 2017 • Physical Book • 422 pages • Format Paperback 4

The Shadow of the Gods

#1 of 3 in Bloodsworn Saga

May 4, 2021 • Physical Book • 540 pages • Format Hardcover 4.1

Adulthood Is a Myth

#1 of 4 in Sarah's Scribbles

Felnőni ​kiábrándító
BySarah Andersen,Barbara Tót(Translator)

March 8, 2016 • Physical Book • 112 pages • Format Paperback 4.2

Gideon the Ninth

#1 of 4 in The Locked Tomb

Gideon, a Kilencedik
ByTamsyn Muir,Attila Varró(Translator)

September 10, 2019 • Physical Book • 448 pages • Format Hardcover 4.1

Bloody Rose

#2 of 3 in The Band

Véres rózsa
ByNicholas Eames

August 28, 2018 • Physical Book • 480 pages • Format Hardcover 4

All Systems Red

#1 of 7 in The Murderbot Diaries

Kritikus rendszerhiba
ByMartha Wells,Tamás Gábor(Translator)

May 2, 2017 • Physical Book • 152 pages • Format Hardcover 4.1

Nem vagyok sorozatgyilkos

#1 of 6 in John Cleaver

Nem vagyok sorozatgyilkos
ByDan Wells,Szilvia Szebegyinszki(Translator)

March 30, 2009 • Physical Book • 240 pages • Format Paperback

The Girl and the Stars

#1 of 3 in Book of the Ice

A ​lány és a csillagok
ByMark Lawrence,Zoltán Galamb(Translator)

April 21, 2020 • Physical Book • 480 pages • Format Hardcover 3.8