G. Allen & Unwin

G. Allen & Unwin is a publisher who has published at least 6 editions.

Cover 1

January 1, 450 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 89 pages • Format Hardcover 3

A Prince of Arabia The Emir Shereef Ali Haider

January 1, 1948 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 314 pages • Format Hardcover • Info First Edition 4


Beyond good and evil
ByFriedrich Nietzsche

January 1, 1923 • Physical Book 3.5

Cover 4

The Problem of Time
ByJohn Alexander Gunn

January 1, 1930 • Physical Book • 460 pages

The Hobbit

Middle-earth Legendarium

The hobbit
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

January 1, 1956 • Physical Book • 315 pages 4.3

The Hobbit

Middle-earth Legendarium

January 1, 1937 • Physical Book • 310 pages 4.3