G. K. Hall

G. K. Hall is a publisher who has published at least 23 editions.

Chosen Prey

#12 of 34 in Lucas Davenport

Chosen Prey
ByJohn Sandford

January 1, 2001 • Physical Book • 2 Readers • 477 pages 3.5

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby
ByF. Scott Fitzgerald

April 10, 1925 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 228 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Large Print 3.7

Miss Clare Remembers

#4 of 15 in Fairacre

January 1, 1962 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 275 pages • Info Large Print Ed 3.5

The Book of Merlyn

#5 of 5 in The Once and Future King

January 1, 1977 • Physical Book • 240 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Large Print 3.3

The quick and the dead

The quick and the dead
ByLouis L'Amour

October 27, 1973 • Physical Book • 264 pages • Info Large Print 3.5

On the Night of the Seventh Moon: The Classic Novel of Romantic Suspense

January 1, 1972 • Physical Book • 599 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Large Print 4

An Unsuitable Job for a Woman

#1 of 2 in Cordelia Gray

January 1, 1972 • Physical Book • 435 pages • Info Large Print 3.4

Poirot Investigates

#3 of 47 in Hercule Poirot

Poirot Investigates
ByAgatha Christie

March 1, 1924 • Physical Book • 340 pages • Format Paperback • Info Large Print 3.7

The Screwtape Letters

January 1, 1979 • Physical Book • 213 pages 4.1

The Illustrated Man

The Illustrated Man
ByRay Bradbury

January 1, 1951 • Physical Book • 352 pages • Format Unknown Binding • Info Large Print 3.9

Paper Moon

Paper Moon
ByJoe David Brown

January 1, 1971 • Physical Book • 529 pages • Info Large type edition

The Endless Steppe

The endless steppe
ByEsther Rudomin Hautzig,a

January 1, 1973 • Physical Book • 345 pages 3.5

The War of the Worlds

Smart Pop

January 1, 1897 • Physical Book • 262 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Large Print 3.7

The Shadow of the Lynx

The shadow of the Lynx
ByVictoria Holt

January 1, 1971 • Physical Book • 310 pages • Info Large Print 3


ByWill Henry

January 1, 1972 • Physical Book • 437 pages 4

Much Ado About Nothing

Graphic Shakespeare

January 1, 1598 • Physical Book • Info Large type / large print edition 4.2

The Day of the Jackal

The Day Of The Jackal
ByFrederick Forsyth

June 1, 1971 • Physical Book • 382 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Large Print 4

Our John Willie

Our John Willie
ByCatherine Cookson

January 1, 1974 • Physical Book • 306 pages • Info Large Print

The sea king's daughter

The sea king's daughter
ByBarbara Michaels

January 1, 1975 • Physical Book • 462 pages • Info Large Print

The turquoise mask

The turquoise mask
ByPhyllis A. Whitney

January 1, 1964 • Physical Book • 581 pages • Info Large Print

Listen for the whisperer,

Listen for the whisperer,
ByPhyllis A. Whitney

January 1, 1971 • Physical Book • 542 pages • Info Large Print

The Man from Skibbereen

January 1, 1973 • Physical Book • 329 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Large Print

Women Composers

Women Composers
BySylvia Glickman(Editor),Martha Furman Schleifer(Editor)

March 1, 1995 • Physical Book • 408 pages • Info Large type / large print edition