
Greenwood is a publisher who has published at least 22 editions.

Proposal Planning & Writing

Proposal Planning & Writing
ByJeremy T. Miner,Lynn E. Miner

January 1, 2008 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 268 pages • Info 5th Edition 2

Arguing for Evolution: An Encyclopedia for Understanding Science

January 1, 2011 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 318 pages • Info Illustrated

Witch Hunts in the Western World: Persecution and Punishment from the Inquisition through the Salem Trials

January 1, 2009 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 228 pages

Silenced in the Library: Banned Books in America

August 18, 2017 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 289 pages

Al Capone: A Biography

Greenwood Biographies

Al Capone: A Biography
ByLuciano J. Iorizzo

October 1, 2003 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 168 pages • Info Illustrated

Bonnie and Clyde: A Biography

May 30, 2007 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 160 pages

Handbook of American Film Genres

January 1, 1988 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 405 pages • Info y 1

Native American Boarding Schools

January 1, 2012 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • Info Annotated

Daily Life during the Black Death

August 30, 2006 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 344 pages 3

Hidden Animals: A Field Guide to Batsquatch, Chupacabra, and Other Elusive Creatures

January 1, 2009 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 200 pages • Info 13802nd

Swing Dancing

Swing Dancing
ByTamara Stevens

January 1, 2011 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • Info Illustrated

How to write and publish a scientific paper

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper
ByBarbara Gastel,Robert A. Day

January 1, 1979 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • Info 8

Student Companion to William Faulkner

January 1, 2007 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 160 pages

The Scientific Revolution and the Foundations of Modern Science

April 30, 2005 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 268 pages • Info Annotated

Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music: Pop, Rock, and Worship

January 1, 2009 • Physical Book • Info Illustrated


ByVirginia Scott

January 1, 2008 • Physical Book

How to write and publish a scientific paper

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper
ByRobert A. Day,Barbara Gastel

January 1, 1979 • Physical Book • 326 pages • Info 8

Asian American chronology

January 1, 2009 • Physical Book

Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects

December 30, 1999 • Physical Book • 291 pages • Info 1st US - 1st Printing

Tom Paine: America's godfather, 1737-1809

January 1, 1945 • Physical Book • 359 pages • Info New ed of 1945 ed

Apple Inc.

Apple Inc.
ByJason D. O'Grady

December 30, 2008 • Physical Book • 185 pages