
Hale is a publisher who has published at least 10 editions.

Cry Hard, Cry Fast

Cry Hard, Cry Fast
ByJohn D. MacDonald

January 1, 1955 • Physical Book • 2 Readers • 189 pages

G. C. Radiation

G. C. Radiation
ByErnest Hill

January 1, 1971 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 159 pages 1

The Witchcraft Papers: Contemporary Records of the Witchcraft Hysteria in Essex, 1560-1700

January 1, 1974 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 212 pages • Format Hardcover • Info 1st Edition, First Edition, 1st US Ed.

In Times Like These

In Times Like These
ByEmilie Loring

January 1, 1968 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 215 pages • Format Hardcover

Sea Jade

Sea Jade
ByPhyllis A. Whitney

January 1, 1964 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 205 pages • Format Hardcover

Long shadows

Long shadows
ByNaomi Jacob

January 1, 1964 • Physical Book • 224 pages

Murder most royal.

#5 of 5 in Tudor Saga

Murder most royal.
ByVictoria Holt

January 1, 1967 • Physical Book • 509 pages

An ace up my sleeve

#1 of 1 in Helga Rolfe

An ace up my sleeve
ByJames Hadley Chase

January 1, 1971 • Physical Book • 192 pages • Info First Edition

The Queen from Provence

#6 of 7 in Plantagenet Saga

January 1, 1979 • Physical Book • 299 pages • Format Hardcover • Info Book Club ed

Going to Blazes

Going to Blazes
ByArthur Nicholls

January 1, 1978 • Physical Book • 191 pages