Harcourt, Brace

Harcourt, Brace is a publisher who has published at least 35 editions.

Trumpets in the West

Trumpets in the West
ByGeoffrey Trease

January 1, 1947 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 239 pages • Format Hardcover • Info First Edition

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

January 1, 1956 • Physical Book • 248 pages 4.1

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

April 20, 1936 • Physical Book • 256 pages • Format Paperback 4.1

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

January 1, 1956 • Physical Book • 248 pages 4.1

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

January 1, 1956 • Physical Book • 248 pages 4.1

Down and Out in Paris and London

January 1, 1950 • Physical Book • 213 pages 4

Homage to Catalonia

Homage to Catalonia.
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1952 • Physical Book • 232 pages 4.1

Homage to Catalonia

Homage to Catalonia.
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1952 • Physical Book • 232 pages 4.1

Homage to Catalonia

Homage to Catalonia
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1952 • Physical Book • 232 pages 4.1

Shooting an Elephant

Shooting an elephant
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1950 • Physical Book • 200 pages 4.4

Shooting an Elephant

Shooting an elephant
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1950 • Physical Book • 200 pages 4.4

Coming Up for Air

Coming up for air.
ByGeorge Orwell,Marina MacKay

January 1, 1950 • Physical Book • 278 pages 3.8

Coming Up for Air

Coming up for air
ByGeorge Orwell,Marina MacKay

Physical Book • 278 pages 3.8

Burmese Days

Burmese days: a novel
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1934 • Physical Book • 287 pages 3.9

Burmese Days

Burmese days
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1950 • Physical Book • 287 pages 3.9

A Clergyman's Daughter

A clergyman's daughter
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1960 • Physical Book • 320 pages 3.6

A Clergyman's Daughter

A clergyman's daughter
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1960 • Physical Book • 320 pages 3.6

A Clergyman's Daughter

January 1, 1960 • Physical Book • 320 pages 3.6

The Four Loves

The four loves.
ByC. S. Lewis,Charles Colson C. S. Lewis

January 1, 1960 • Physical Book • 192 pages 4.1

The Four Loves

The four loves.
ByC. S. Lewis,Charles Colson C. S. Lewis

January 1, 1960 • Physical Book • 192 pages 4.1

The Four Loves

The four loves
ByC. S. Lewis,Charles Colson C. S. Lewis

January 1, 1960 • Physical Book • 192 pages 4.1

Surprised By Joy: The Shape Of My Early Life

Surprised by joy
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1955 • Physical Book • 238 pages 4.1

Surprised By Joy: The Shape Of My Early Life

Surprised by joy
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1965 • Physical Book • 238 pages 4.1

Animal Farm

Animal farm
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1954 • Physical Book • 155 pages 4

A Passage to India

A passage to India
ByE. M. Forster

January 1, 1952 • Physical Book • 322 pages 3.4

Orlando: A Biography

ByVirginia Woolf

January 1, 1928 • Physical Book • 333 pages 3.7

Till We Have Faces:

Till we have faces
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1957 • Physical Book • 313 pages 4.2

Till We Have Faces:

Till we have faces
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1957 • Physical Book • 313 pages 4.2

Animal Farm

Animal farm
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1954 • Physical Book • 155 pages 4

The Origins of Totalitarianism

January 1, 1951 • Physical Book • 477 pages 4.3

The Origins of Totalitarianism

January 1, 1951 • Physical Book • 477 pages 4.3

A Tale of Two Cities

Oxford Bookworms

A tale of two cities.
ByCharles Dickens

January 1, 1950 • Physical Book • 293 pages 3.6

A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories

January 1, 1955 • Physical Book • 251 pages 4.2

Detectives in Togas

#1 of 3 in Detectives in Togas

Detectives in togas.
ByHenry Winterfeld

January 1, 1956 • Physical Book • 205 pages 3.8

The River at Green Knowe

#3 of 4 in Green Knowe

The River at Green Knowe
ByLucy M. Boston

January 1, 1959 • Physical Book • 153 pages • Format Paperback