John Wiley and Sons

John Wiley and Sons is a publisher who has published at least 6 editions.

Poorly Made in China: An Insider's Account of the Tactics Behind China's Production Game

March 23, 2009 • Physical Book • 2 Readers • 256 pages

Nerds on Wall Street: Math, Machines and Wired Markets

December 31, 2008 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 495 pages

Mad about physics

Mad about physics
ByChristopher Jargodzki,Franklin Potter

November 21, 2000 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 325 pages

New Wellness Revolution

New Wellness Revolution
ByPaul Zane Pilzer

February 15, 2002 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 309 pages • Info 2nd Edition 3

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2nd Edition

January 1, 1968 • Physical Book • Info International 2 Revised ed 4

Essential Do's and Taboos: The Complete Guide to International Business and Leisure Travel

January 1, 2007 • Physical Book • 306 pages • Format Paperback