Modern Library

Modern Library is a publisher who has published at least 336 editions.

The Three Musketeers
The Day Of The Triffids
At the Mountains of Madness
The Mysterious Island
Les Misérables
Sons and Lovers
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
The Canterbury Tales
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Midwich Cuckoos
The Beautiful and Damned
Black no more
The Three Musketeers
The Great Gatsby
The Kraken Wakes
Peter the Great: His Life and World
The Underground Railroad: Authentic Narratives and First-Hand Accounts
Cloud Atlas
The Magnificent Ambersons
Inventing Japan: 1853-1964
Slaughterhouse 5
Guadalcanal Diary
The Metamorphosis
Kingsblood Royal
South Sea Tales
The Death of Ivan Ilych
The Day Of The Triffids
Two Years Before the Mast
Portrait of Hemingway
The Picture of Dorian Gray and Three Stories
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
War and Peace
The Song of Roland
Paradise Lost
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Dear Los Angeles: The City in Diaries and Letters, 1542 to 2018
Henry VIII & King John
The Mayor of Casterbridge
King Lear
The collected dialogues of Plato, including the letters
The Sound and the Fury
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas And Other American Stories
Personal Memoirs
The Charterhouse of Parma
The Time Machine: An Invention
John Brown
I Promise to Be Good: The Letters of Arthur Rimbaud
Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River
The Age of Shakespeare
The Making of 2001: A Space Odyssey
The City of God
A Middle East Mosaic: Fragments of Life, Letters and History
Much Ado About Nothing
Lives, Volume IV: Alcibiades and Coriolanus. Lysander and Sulla
The Catholic Church: A Short History
Peoples and Empires: A Short History of European Migration, Exploration, and Conquest, from Greece to the Present
The Adventures of Amir hamza
South to a Very Old Place
The Monk
The Essential Words and Writings of Clarence Darrow
The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights
Wuthering Heights
The Big Sleep
The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill: On Liberty, The Subjection of Women and Utilitarianism
The Underground Railroad Records: Narrating the Hardships, Hairbreadth Escapes, and Death Struggles of Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom
Anna Karenina
Cloud Atlas. L'atlante delle nuvole
The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Essential Stories
The Mysterious Island
The First Men in the Moon
The Beleaguered City: The Vicksburg Campaign
Inventing Japan: 1853-1964
The Romanovs
Personal Memoirs: Ulysses S. Grant
The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights
The Pursuit of Love & Love in a Cold Climate
Little Dorrit
The Necklace and Other Tales
Sophie's Choice
The Art of the Moving Picture
The Collected Short Stories of Dorothy Parker
The Awakening
There Is Confusion
This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age
The City of God
The Princess of 72nd Street: A Novel
Three Days Before the Shooting...
The Best Little Boy in the World