is a publisher who has published at least 8 editions.

The Midnight Zone

The Midnight Zone
ByLauren Groff

May 16, 2016 • E-Book • 3 Readers • 20 pages 4

Summer of ’38

Summer of ’38
ByColm Tóibín

March 4, 2013 • E-Book • 1 Reader • 15 pages • Format ebook 2

Primum Non Nocere

Primum Non Nocere
ByAntonya Nelson

November 3, 2014 • E-Book • 1 Reader • 15 pages • Format ebook • Info New Yorker Online Fiction 4

The Headstrong Historian

The Headstrong Historian
ByChimamanda Ngozi Adichie

E-Book • 1 Reader • 12 pages • Format ebook • Info New Yorker Online Fiction 3

The Tree Line, Kansas, 1934

October 25, 2010 • E-Book • 1 Reader • 6 pages • Format ebook

Reverting to a Wild State

August 1, 2011 • E-Book • 1 Reader • 7 pages • Format ebook

Love Is Blind and Deaf

Love Is Blind and Deaf
ByJonathan Safran Foer

June 1, 2015 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 4 pages • Format Online • Info New Yorker Online Fiction 4

The Knocking

The Knocking
ByDavid Means

March 15, 2010 • E-Book • 1 Reader • 4 pages • Format ebook