Saída de Emergência Brasil

Saída de Emergência Brasil is a publisher who has published at least 6 editions.

Release Year
Readers Count
  • Feist Raymond E
19856 reads3.33
Magician: Apprentice
Magician: Apprentice
  • Raymond E. Feist
1982316 reads4
Magician: Master
Magician: Master
  • Raymond E. Feist
198239 reads4.29
O Príncipe de Westeros e Outras Histórias
O Príncipe de Westeros e Outras Histórias
  • Patrick Rothfuss
  • Scott Lynch
  • Neil Gaiman
  • Gillian Flynn
  • Joe Abercrombie
20150 reads0
Daughter of the Empire
Daughter of the Empire
  • Raymond E. Feist
  • Janny Wurts
1987105 reads4.17
Servant of the Empire
Servant of the Empire
  • Raymond E. Feist
  • Janny Wurts
199079 reads4.3