
Santillana is a publisher who has published at least 16 editions.

Esta mañana / Montevideanos

June 1, 1985 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 276 pages • Format Paperback • Info Limited Edition 2

Bajo el cerezo

Bajo el cerezo
ByFrancisco Montaña

January 1, 2015 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 145 pages • Format Paperback 3

Falco. Se ofrece monologuista.

Physical Book • 1 Reader • 232 pages • Format Paperback 5

En los sueños de Teresa Wilms Montt

January 1, 2021 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 181 pages 4

Los cuentos de mis hijos

Los cuentos de mis hijos
ByHoracio Quiroga

June 1, 1988 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 96 pages • Format Paperback 5



January 1, 1973 • Physical Book • 319 pages • Info 1st, First Edition 4.2


ByMichael Ende

January 1, 1973 • Physical Book • 320 pages • Format Paperback • Info 1 4.2


ByMichael Ende

January 1, 1973 • Physical Book • 255 pages • Format Paperback • Info 1st Colombian edition 4.2

El Senor Presidente: Edicion Critica

El Señor Presidente
ByMiguel Ángel Asturias

January 1, 1946 • Physical Book • 120 pages 4.1

Los peces

Los peces
BySteve Parker

January 1, 1992 • Physical Book • 63 pages

La ciudad sin nombre

La ciudad sin nombre
ByJeremy Belpois

January 1, 2009 • Physical Book • 344 pages • Format Hardcover • Info 1ª ed., 1ª imp.

Mao tou ying wa wa

Las lechucitas
ByKim Hyug-Gyeon

January 1, 1992 • Physical Book • Info Spanish 4

El Senor Presidente: Edicion Critica

El Señor Presidente
ByMiguel Ángel Asturias

January 1, 1946 • Physical Book • 120 pages 4.1

Bridge To Terabithia

Puente Hasta Terabithia
ByKatherine Paterson

October 21, 1977 • Physical Book • 164 pages • Format Paperback 4

The Magic Finger

El dedo mágico
ByRoald Dahl,Maribel de Juan(Translator)

January 1, 1966 • Physical Book • 74 pages • Format Paperback 3.5

Sapo y sepo, inseparables

April 26, 1972 • Physical Book • 72 pages • Info 1