Stalingrad: The Death of the German Sixth Army on the Volga, 1942-1943 | 2013 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Barbarossa Unleashed: The German Blitzkrieg through Central Russia to the Gates of Moscow • June-December 1941 | 2013 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Boeing Metamorphosis: Launching the 737 and 747, 1965–1969 - John Fredrickson
- John Andrew
| 2021 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Turbulent Journey: The Jumo Engine, Operation Paperclip, and the American Dream | 2022 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Weapons of Warriors: Famous Antique Swords of the Near East - Vic Diehl
- Hermann Hampe
- Helmut Föll
- Gözde Yasar
| 2012 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Interrogator: The Story of Hanns-Joachim Scharff, Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe | 1978 | 0 reads | 0 | |