
Springer is a publisher who has published at least 2284 editions.

A Sequence of Problems on Semigroups
Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry
Introduction to Complex Reflection Groups and Their Braid Groups
Neural Networks Theory
Conformal Field Theory, Automorphic Forms and Related Topics: CFT, Heidelberg, September 19-23, 2011
Fermat’s Last Theorem for Amateurs
Nuclear Physics: Present and Future
Symmetric Spaces and the Kashiwara-Vergne Method
Modifications of Einstein's Theory of Gravity at Large Distances
Von Karman Evolution Equations: Well-posedness and Long Time Dynamics
A Course in Formal Languages, Automata and Groups
Nonequilibrium and Irreversibility
Conductors, Semiconductors, Superconductors: An Introduction to Solid State Physics
Transcendental Numbers
Black Hole Gravitohydromagnetics
LHC Phenomenology
Principles of Harmonic Analysis
Lectures on Formal and Rigid Geometry
Chaotic Harmony: A Dialog about Physics, Complexity and Life
N=2 Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians
Introduction to Supergravity
Introduction to Superfluidity: Field-theoretical Approach and Applications
A Short Course in Ordinary Differential Equations
Algebraic Number Theory
Topology: An Introduction
Fourier Analysis and Stochastic Processes
Multivariate Calculus and Geometry
Particle Physics
Petr Hájek on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
A Concise Introduction to the Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
Nuclear Physics
Alpha Centauri: Unveiling the Secrets of Our Nearest Stellar Neighbor
Arithmetic Geometry
Classes of Finite Groups
An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry: With Applications to Mechanics and Relativity
Geometry and Nonlinear Analysis in Banach Spaces
Algebra: Rings, Modules and Categories I
General Topology
Applied Summability Methods
Stability of Functional Equations in Random Normed Spaces
The Steenrod Algebra and Its Applications: A Conference to Celebrate N. E. Steenrod's Sixtieth Birthday. Proceedings of the Conference held at the ... 4th, 1970
Quiver Representations
Spectral Mapping Theorems: A Bluffer's Guide
Lectures on the Automorphism Groups of Kobayashi-Hyperbolic Manifolds
Symplectic Geometric Algorithms for Hamiltonian Systems
Bernoulli Numbers and Zeta Functions
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Steady-State Problems
Representation Theory: A Homological Algebra Point of View
A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics
Introductory Lectures on Fluctuations of Lévy Processes with Applications
Mathematical Aspects of Pattern Formation in Biological Systems
Theory of Sobolev Multipliers: With Applications to Differential and Integral Operators
Astrophysics at Very High Energies: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 40. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy
Spectral and Dynamical Stability of Nonlinear Waves
Local Minimization, Variational Evolution and Γ-Convergence
Large Deviations in Physics: The Legacy of the Law of Large Numbers
Confinement, Duality, and Nonperturbative Aspects of QCD
Bifurcation Theory of Functional Differential Equations
Reductionism, Emergence and Levels of Reality: The Importance of Being Borderline
Quantum Physics of Light and Matter: A Modern Introduction to Photons, Atoms and Many-Body Systems
Lectures on General Relativity
Representations of SL2
Connections Between Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry
Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague
Statistical Theory and Inference
Special Relativity
Where is the Gödel-point hiding: Gentzen’s Consistency Proof of 1936 and His Representation of Constructive Ordinals
Prime Divisors and Noncommutative Valuation Theory
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Levico Terme, Italy 2013, Editors: Sandra Di Rocco, Bernd Sturmfels
Fatou, Julia, Montel,: le grand prix des sciences mathématiques de 1918, et après...
Stellar Physics: 2: Stellar Evolution and Stability
Gamma-Ray Bursts: The brightest explosions in the Universe
Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems
Functional Equations and Inequalities with Applications
Elegance and Enigma: The Quantum Interviews
The Long Evolution of Brains and Minds
Calculus on Normed Vector Spaces
Quantum Potential: Physics, Geometry and Algebra
Groups: An Introduction to Ideas and Methods of the Theory of Groups
The Art of Proof: Basic Training for Deeper Mathematics
Fluctuations in Markov Processes: Time Symmetry and Martingale Approximation
Random Matrices and Iterated Random Functions: Münster, October 2011
Variational, Topological, and Partial Order Methods with Their Applications
Coarse Geometry and Randomness: École d’Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XLI – 2011
Bifurcation Theory: An Introduction with Applications to Partial Differential Equations
Geometry of Algebraic Curves: Volume II with a contribution by Joseph Daniel Harris
Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories
The Compressed Word Problem for Groups
Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Optimal Transport
Algebraic Circuits
Ordinary Differential Equations: Analysis, Qualitative Theory and Control
Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory, and Special Functions: In Honor of Hari M. Srivastava
Mathematical Methods in Biology and Neurobiology
Smooth Manifolds and Observables
M.C. Escher's Legacy
Reading Bohr: Physics and Philosophy
A First Course in Noncommutative Rings
Hamiltonian Methods in the Theory of Solitons
Ramanujan's Place in the World of Mathematics: Essays Providing a Comparative Study