The Modern library

The Modern library is a publisher who has published at least 20 editions.

The Travels of Marco Polo

January 1, 1926 • Physical Book • 351 pages 3.4

The Return of the Native

January 1, 1920 • Physical Book • 506 pages 3.8

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

#2 of 1 in Democracy in America

January 1, 1965 • Physical Book • 976 pages 3.7

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

#2 of 1 in Democracy in America

January 1, 1937 • Physical Book • 976 pages 3.7


Moby Dick
ByHerman Melville

January 1, 1926 • Physical Book • 565 pages 3.6

A Passage to India

A passage to India
ByE. M. Forster

January 1, 1974 • Physical Book • 322 pages 3.4

The African Queen

The African queen
ByHoracio hornblower

January 1, 1940 • Physical Book • 307 pages 3.2

Of Human Bondage

Of Human Bondage
ByW. Somerset Maugham

January 1, 1930 • Physical Book • 766 pages 4.3

Tortilla Flat

Tortilla flat
ByJohn Steinbeck

January 1, 1937 • Physical Book • 316 pages 3.7

Dead Souls

Dead souls
ByNikolai Vasilievich Gogol

January 1, 1936 • Physical Book • 265 pages 3.8

Tortilla Flat

Tortilla flat
ByJohn Steinbeck

January 1, 1937 • Physical Book • 316 pages 3.7

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

Barron's Graphic Classics

January 1, 1941 • Physical Book • 416 pages 3.8

Of Human Bondage

Of human bondage.
ByW. Somerset Maugham

January 1, 1942 • Physical Book • 760 pages 4.3

The Grapes of Wrath

The grapes of wrath
ByJohn Steinbeck

January 1, 1941 • Physical Book • 619 pages 3.8

The collected dialogues of Plato, including the letters

The works of Plato
ByIrwin Edman,(editor) Irwin Edman

January 1, 1930 • Physical Book • 577 pages 4.2

The collected dialogues of Plato, including the letters

January 1, 1956 • Physical Book • 577 pages 4.2

Of Human Bondage

Of Human Bondage
ByW. Somerset Maugham

January 1, 1915 • Physical Book • 766 pages 4.3

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production

#1 of 1 in Capital

ByKarl Marx

January 1, 1932 • Physical Book • 429 pages 3.8

Les Misérables

#1 of 3 in Les Misérables

Les misérables
ByVictor Hugo

January 1, 1931 • Physical Book • 1,222 pages 4.2

The Mayor of Casterbridge

January 1, 1917 • Physical Book 3.8