The Penn Publishing Company

The Penn Publishing Company is a publisher who has published at least 4 editions.

The Whirligig

The Whirligig
ByEvelyn Raymond

January 1, 1904 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 351 pages • Format Hardcover

Uncharted Seas

Uncharted Seas
ByEmilie Loring

January 1, 1932 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 312 pages • Format Hardcover • Info First

The Heroine of Roseland: A Story for Girls

January 1, 1907 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 348 pages • Format Hardcover

Helen and the Uninvited Guests

Helen and the Uninvited Guests
ByBeth Bradford Gilchrist

Physical Book • 1 Reader • 334 pages • Format Hardcover