Time Inc.

Time Inc. is a publisher who has published at least 13 editions.

Age of Exploration

Great Ages of Man

Age of Exploration
ByJohn R. Hale

January 1, 1966 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 56 pages • Format Hardcover • Info First Edition 4

Till We Have Faces:

Till We Have Faces
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1956 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 368 pages 4.2

The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements

The true believer
ByEric Hoffer

January 1, 1963 • Physical Book • 188 pages 3.6

Animal Farm

Animal Farm
ByGeorge Orwell

August 17, 1945 • Physical Book • 121 pages • Format Mass Market Paperback 4

The Sword in the Stone

#1 of 5 in The Once and Future King

January 1, 1964 • Physical Book • 287 pages 3.8

Three Men In A Boat

#1 of 2 in Three Men

Three men in a boat
ByJerome Klapka Jerome

January 1, 1964 • Physical Book • 211 pages 3.8

The Plague

The Plague
ByAlbert Camus

January 1, 1962 • Physical Book • 269 pages 4

Till We Have Faces:

Till we have faces
ByC. S. Lewis

January 1, 1966 • Physical Book • 275 pages 4.2

The Martian Chronicles

The Martian chronicles
ByRay Bradbury,Stephen Hoye

January 1, 1958 • Physical Book • 267 pages 4

The Martian Chronicles

The Martian chronicles
ByRay Bradbury,Stephen Hoye

January 1, 1963 • Physical Book • 267 pages 4

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich


November 1, 1962 • Physical Book • 178 pages 3.9

The Leopard

The Leopard
ByGiuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa,Archibald Colquhoun

January 1, 1966 • Physical Book • 282 pages 3.9

Burmese Days

Burmese days
ByGeorge Orwell

January 1, 1962 • Physical Book • 263 pages 3.9