Yale University Press

Yale University Press is a publisher who has published at least 611 editions.

Vietnam: Rising Dragon
In Praise of Forgetting: Historical Memory and Its Ironies
The future of reputation
Beethoven`s Piano Sonatas: A Short Companion
Japanese Democracy: Power, Coordination, and Performance
The Conscription Society: Administered Mass Organizations
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law
The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet
The Ethical Investor
Theoderic the Great: King of Goths, Ruler of Romans
Lina Bo Bardi
Fortunes of History: Historical Inquiry from Herder to Huizinga
Chinese Cursive Script: An Introduction to Handwriting in Chinese
The Great Transformation: China’s Road from Revolution to Reform
The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel
The Fall of Hong Kong: Britain, China, and the Japanese Occupation
Southeast Asia Under Japanese Occupation: Transition & Transformation
Basic Income: A Guide for the Open-Minded
Alger Hiss and the Battle for History
Museum Visits
Stormtroopers: A New History of Hitler's Brownshirts
Fallen Giants: A History of Himalayan Mountaineering from the Age of Empire to the Age of Extremes
Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity
In and Out of the Marital Bed: Seeing Sex in Renaissance Europe
The Planet Venus
Croatia: A Nation Forged in War
Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America
What Noise Against the Cane
France, Story of a Childhood
Sarah Bernhardt: The Art of High Drama
Joe DiMaggio: The Long Vigil
Nation of Devils: Democratic Leadership and the Problem of Obedience
Iran: A Modern History
Voyages of Delusion: The Quest for the Northwest Passage
The Spartan Regime: Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy
Strolls with Pushkin
The Art of Political Manipulation
Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire
Writing Successful Science Proposals
The Future of Liberal Revolution
How States Think: The Rationality of Foreign Policy
Black Wind, White Snow: Russia's New Nationalism
Fragile Empire: How Russia Fell In and Out of Love with Vladimir Putin
The Birth of Time: How Astronomers Measured the Age of the Universe
American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from Smallpox to COVID-19
The Story of Architecture
Social Justice in the Liberal State
Voting with Dollars: A New Paradigm for Campaign Finance
Treasures from Korea: Arts and Culture of the Joseon Dynasty, 1392–1910
Spycraft: Tricks and Tools of the Dangerous Trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration
The Stakeholder Society
The Souls of Black Folk
Deliberation Day
Beethoven: A Life in Nine Pieces
Love in the New Millennium
Creation Stories: Landscapes and the Human Imagination
Before the Next Attack: Preserving Civil Liberties in an Age of Terrorism
Attention Deficit Disorder: The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults
Democracy in Retreat: The Revolt of the Middle Class and the Worldwide Decline of Representative Government
Pirates: A New History, from Vikings to Somali Raiders
Herod the Great
Gobi: Tracking the Desert
ATHEIST DELUSIONS The Christian Revolution And Its Fashionable Enemies
Climate Change from the Streets: How Conflict and Collaboration Strengthen the Environmental Justice Movement
The New Science
Attica: Intermediate Classical Greek: Readings, Review, and Exercises
Faust: A Tragedy, Parts One and Two
That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation
On the Life of Christ: Chanted Sermons by the Great Sixth Century Poet and Singer St. Romanos
Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics—and How to Cure It
Lie Machines: How to Save Democracy from Troll Armies, Deceitful Robots, Junk News Operations, and Political Operatives
Learning Irish
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition: A Constraints-Led Approach
Every Other Thursday: Stories and Strategies from Successful Women Scientists
The Persistence of Poverty: Why the Economics of the Well-Off Can't Help the Poor
Restraining Great Powers: Soft Balancing from Empires to the Global Era
Emilio's Carnival: Senilita
A Natural History of Wine
Of Fear and Strangers: A History of Xenophobia
Spinoza: Freedom's Messiah
We Need to Talk About Inflation: 14 Urgent Lessons from the Last 2,000 Years
In the Name of Rome: The Men Who Won the Roman Empire
Caesar: Life of a Colossus
Demetrius: Sacker of Cities
Augustus: First Emperor of Rome
The Fall of Egypt and the Rise of Rome: A History of the Ptolemies
Putin vs. the People: The Perilous Politics of a Divided Russia
A Baedeker of Decadence: Charting a Literary Fashion, 1884-1927
Goering's Man in Paris: The Story of a Nazi Art Plunderer and His World
Memory and Authority: The Uses of History in Constitutional Interpretation
Making the Case: The Art of the Judicial Opinion
Solving Public Problems: A Practical Guide to Fix Our Government and Change Our World
Naples 1925: Adorno, Benjamin, and the Summer That Made Critical Theory
Indian Summer: Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi
Call It Courage
Ecologies, Agents, Terrains
The Vexations of Art: Velázquez and Others
The Bedroom: An Intimate History
Women and the Piano: A History in 50 Lives
Mussolini and the Eclipse of Italian Fascism: From Dictatorship to Populism