#3 Spider-Man
Howard Mackie John Byrne Dan Jurgens A.A. Ward J.M. DeMatteis 0 0 reads#4 Spider-Man
Howard Mackie Roger Stern Paul Jenkins 0 0 reads#5 Spider-Man
Spider-Man: Chemarea
J. Michael Straczynski Sebastian Mihail (Translator) 0 0 reads#9 The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 5: Unintended Consequences
3.5 4 reads#10 The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 6: Happy Birthday
3.4 26 reads#17 Spider-Man
Spider-Man: Back in Black
J. Michael Straczynski Ron Garney Peter David 4 1 read#18 Spider-Man: One More Day
J. Michael Straczynski Joe Quesada 2.25 5 reads#19 The Amazing Spider-Man: Brand New Day, Vol. 1
Dan Slott Steve McNiven Marc Guggenheim 3.14 7 reads#21 The Amazing Spider-Man: Brand New Day
Dan Slott Bob Gale Marcos Martín 3.5 2 reads#22 The Amazing Spider-Man: Kraven's First Hunt
Marc Guggenheim Phil Jimenez 3.5 2 reads#23 The Amazing Spider-Man: New Ways To Die
Mark Waid John Romita Jr. Adi Granov 3 2 reads#24 The Amazing Spider-Man: Crime and Punisher
Marc Guggenheim Zeb Wells Joe Kelly 3.33 3 reads#25 3 1 read#25 Spider-Man
Mark Waid Roger Stern Dan Slott 3.5 2 reads#26 The Amazing Spider-Man: Election Day
4 2 reads#27 The Amazing Spider-Man: 24/7
Dan Slott Mark Waid Fred Van Lente 4.5 2 reads#28 The Amazing Spider-Man: American Son
4 2 reads#29 The Amazing Spider-Man: Died In Your Arms Tonight
Dan Slott Stan Lee Mark Waid Bob Gale Marc Guggenheim Brian Michael Bendis 3 4 reads#30 The Amazing Spider-Man: Red-Headed Stranger
3.33 3 reads#31 The Amazing Spider-Man: Return of the Black Cat
3 4 reads#32 The Amazing Spider-Man: The Gauntlet, Vol. 1: Electro & Sandman
Dan Slott Fred Van Lente Mark Waid Paul Azaceta 3.5 8 reads#33 The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man: The Gauntlet, Vol. 2: Rhino & Mysterio
Joe Kelly Dan Slott Fred Van Lente Marcos Martín Max Fiumara 3.67 4 reads#34 The Amazing Spider-Man: The Gauntlet, Vol. 3: Vulture & Morbius
Fred Van Lente Greg Weisman Mark Waid 4 4 reads#35 The Amazing Spider-Man: The Gauntlet, Vol. 4: Juggernaut
Fred Van Lente Roger Stern 5 1 read#37 The Amazing Spider-Man: Grim Hunt
Joe Kelly Fred Van Lente J.M. DeMatteis Phil Jimenez 3 5 reads#38 The Amazing Spider-Man: One Moment In Time
4 3 reads#40 The Amazing Spider-Man: Big Time
3.33 4 reads#42 The Amazing Spider-Man: The Fantastic Spider-Man
0 1 read#43 The Amazing Spider-Man: The Return of Anti-Venom
0 1 read#44 The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Island
3.25 3 reads#45 The Amazing Spider-Man: Flying Blind
3 2 reads#46 The Amazing Spider-Man: Trouble on the Horizon
4 1 read#48 The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard - No Turning Back
3 1 read#50 The Amazing Spider-Man: Dying Wish
4 5 reads