78 books in series

Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics is a 77-book series with 78 primary works first released in 1973 with contributions by Michael B. Green, John H. Schwarz, Edward Witten, Stephen Hawking, George Francis Rayner Ellis, P.D.B. Collins, Meinulf Göckeler, Thomas Schücker, Bryce S. DeWitt, John Collins, Roger Penrose, Wolfgang Rindler, L. O'Raifeartaigh, Peter G.O. Freund, Victor Nikolaevich Popov, R.J. Rivers, Stefan Pokorski, Jeremy Bernstein, Claude Itzykson, Jean-Michel Drouffe, Joseph I. Kapusta, Charles Gale, R.S. Ward, Raymond O. Wells Jr, N.H. March, Stewart, F. Iachello, P. van Isacker, Vladimir E. Korepin, N.N. Bogoliubov, A.G. Izergin, Istvan Montvay, Gernot Münster, Peter D. D'Eath, Rodolfo Gambini, Michel Le Bellac, Jose A. De Azcárraga, Josi M. Izquierdo, Jan Ambjørn, Thordur Jonsson, Bergfinnur Durhuus, Mark Burgess, Steven Carlip, Joseph Polchinski, Yuri Makeenko, Yasunori Fujii, Kei-Ichi Maeda, A.S. Galperin, E. A. Ivanov, V. I. Ogievetsky, E. S. Sokatchev, V. Belinski, E. Verdaguer, Fiorenzo Bastianelli, Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, Pierre Cartier, Cécile Dewitt-Morette, Hans Stephani, Olivier Babelon, Denis Bernard, Michel Talon, V.N. Gribov, Tomas Ortín, Nicholas Manton, Paul Sutcliffe, Terry Gannon, Carlo Rovelli, David J. Toms, Thomas Thiemann, Pankaj S. Joshi, Leonard Parker, David Toms, Esteban A. Calzetta, Bei-Lok B. Hu, Krzysztof Bolejko, Andrzej Krasinski, Charles Hellaby, Marie-Noëlle Célérier, M. Shifman, A. Yung, Jerry B. Griffiths, Jiří Podolský, Fernando de Felice, Donato Bini, R. N. Sen, Lev V. Prokhorov, Sergei V. Shabanov, Erick J. Weinberg, John L. Friedman, Nikolaos Stergioulas, Jan Dereziński, Christian Gérard, Andreas Recknagel, Volker Schomerus, George Jaroszkiewicz, Daniel Baumann, Liam McAllister, Sreerup Raychaudhuri, K. Sridhar, Samirnath Mallik, Sourav Sarkar, Alberto A. Garcia-Diaz, Vladimir Belinski, Marc Henneaux, Manu Paranjape, Tiberiu Harko, Francisco S. N. Lobo, Yakov M. Shnir, Anatoliy Malyarenko, Martin Ostoja-Starzewski, Luca Lusanna, Martin Reuter, Frank Saueressig, Paul Romatschke, Ulrike Romatschke, Dharam Ahluwalia, John Harnad, Ferenc Balogh, Kirill Krasnov, Enric Verdaguer, and Pran Nath.

Superstring Theory, Volume 1: Introduction

#1 of 1 in Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2012 • 1 Reader • 482 pages

Cover 0

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1998 • 552 pages

Quantum Gravity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2007 • 2 Readers • 488 pages

Spinors and Space-Time

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1986 • 512 pages

Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories and Gravity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1978 • 244 pages

The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1973 • 404 pages

Superstring Theory: Volume 1, Introduction

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1988 • 1 Reader • 484 pages 3

Mass Dimension One Fermions

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2019 • 1 Reader • 137 pages

The Cosmological Singularity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2017 • 1 Reader • 279 pages

Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2007 • 1 Reader • 819 pages

Gravitational Collapse and Spacetime Singularities

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2007 • 1 Reader • 284 pages

The Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1999 • 1 Reader • 240 pages

Semiclassical and Stochastic Gravity: Quantum Field Effects on Curved Spacetime

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2020 • 1 Reader • 615 pages

The Theory and Applications of Instanton Calculations

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2017 • 1 Reader • 325 pages

The Theory of Complex Angular Momenta: Gribov Lectures on Theoretical Physics

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2003 • 1 Reader • 312 pages

Rotating Relativistic Stars

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2013 • 1 Reader

Particle Physics of Brane Worlds and Extra Dimensions

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2016 • 1 Reader • 343 pages

Classical Covariant Fields

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1998 • 1 Reader • 552 pages

Quantum Geometry: A Statistical Field Theory Approach

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1997 • 1 Reader • 363 pages

Functional Integration: Action and Symmetries

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2002 • 1 Reader • 480 pages

Formulations of General Relativity: Gravity, Spinors and Differential Forms

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2020 • 1 Reader • 391 pages

An Introduction to Regge Theory and High Energy Physics

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1977 • 1 Reader • 460 pages

Thermal Field Theory

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1996 • 1 Reader • 270 pages

Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1996 • 1 Reader • 338 pages

Supersymmetric Quantum Cosmology

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1996 • 1 Reader • 268 pages

Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2003 • 1 Reader • 701 pages

Topological and Non-Topological Solitons in Scalar Field Theories

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2018 • 1 Reader • 281 pages

Classical Measurements in Curved Space-Times

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2010 • 1 Reader • 309 pages

Non-Inertial Frames and Dirac Observables in Relativity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2019 • 1 Reader • 339 pages

Gravity and Strings

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2004 • 1 Reader • 704 pages

Tensor-Valued Random Fields for Continuum Physics

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2018 • 1 Reader • 313 pages

Path Integral Methods in Quantum Field Theory

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1987 • 1 Reader

Exact Space-Times in Einstein's General Relativity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2009 • 1 Reader • 525 pages

Liquid Metals: Concepts and Theory

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1990 • 1 Reader • 508 pages

Group Structure of Gauge Theories

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1986 • 1 Reader

Moonshine beyond the Monster: The Bridge Connecting Algebra, Modular Forms and Physics

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2006 • 1 Reader • 477 pages

The Schwinger Action Principle and Effective Action

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2007 • 1 Reader • 508 pages

Nonequilibrium Quantum Field Theory

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2008 • 1 Reader • 584 pages

Functional Integrals and Collective Excitations

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1987 • 1 Reader • 240 pages

Gravitational Solitons

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2001 • 1 Reader • 272 pages

Causality, Measurement Theory and the Differentiable Structure of Space-Time

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2010 • 1 Reader • 412 pages

Kinetic Theory in the Expanding Universe

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1988 • 1 Reader • 160 pages

Methods of Contemporary Gauge Theory

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1998 • 1 Reader • 400 pages

Mathematics of Quantization and Quantum Fields

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2013 • 1 Reader

Hamiltonian Mechanics of Gauge Systems

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2011 • 1 Reader • 466 pages

Path Integrals and Anomalies in Curved Space

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2002 • 1 Reader • 400 pages

Twistor Geometry and Field Theory

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1990 • 1 Reader • 520 pages

Hadrons at Finite Temperature

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2016 • 1 Reader • 267 pages

Classical Solutions in Quantum Field Theory: Solitons and Instantons in High Energy Physics

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2012 • 1 Reader • 340 pages

Cover 5

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2017 • 1 Reader

Tau Functions and their Applications

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2020 • 1 Reader • 549 pages

Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2014 • 1 Reader • 381 pages

Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and some Applications in Physics

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1996 • 1 Reader • 473 pages

Quantum Fields on a Lattice

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1994 • 1 Reader • 512 pages

Supersymmetric Solitons

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2009 • 1 Reader • 259 pages

Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1998 • 1 Reader • 290 pages

Topological Solitons

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2004 • 1 Reader • 505 pages


1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1984 • 1 Reader • 407 pages

Quantum Gravity and the Functional Renormalization Group: The Road towards Asymptotic Safety

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2019 • 1 Reader • 357 pages

Extensions of f

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2018 • 1 Reader • 475 pages

Cover 5

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1 Reader

Inflation and String Theory

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2015 • 1 Reader • 393 pages

The Interacting Boson-Fermion Model

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1991 • 1 Reader • 326 pages

Harmonic Superspace

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2001 • 1 Reader • 306 pages

Advanced General Relativity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1990 • 1 Reader • 238 pages

Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1993 • 1 Reader • 582 pages

Boundary Conformal Field Theory and the Worldsheet Approach to D-Branes

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2013 • 1 Reader • 346 pages

Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime: Quantized Fields and Gravity

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2008 • 1 Reader • 455 pages

Finite-Temperature Field Theory: Principles and Applications

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1989 • 1 Reader • 442 pages

Structures in the Universe by Exact Methods: Formation, Evolution, Interactions

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2009 • 1 Reader

Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

2003 • 1 Reader • 602 pages

Gauge Field Theories

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1987 • 1 Reader • 629 pages

String Theory, Volume 1

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1998 • 424 pages

Introduction to Supersymmetry

1 Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics

1986 • 1 Reader