10 books in series

Fargo Adventures

Fargo Adventures is a 9-book series with 9 primary works first released in 2009 with contributions by Clive Cussler, Grant Blackwood, and 3 others. The next book is scheduled for release on 11/26/2024.

Spartan Gold

2009 • 15 Readers • 384 pages 3

Lost Empire

2010 • 6 Readers • 6 pages 3.5

The Kingdom

2011 • 5 Readers • 11 pages 3.7

The Tombs

2013 • 3 Readers • 450 pages 2.7

The Solomon Curse

2015 • 5 Readers 4

The Romanov Ransom

2017 • 5 Readers 3

The Gray Ghost

2018 • 4 Readers 3.3

The Oracle

2019 • 3 Readers 4

Wrath of Poseidon

2020 • 5 Readers 4

The Serpent's Eye

Available November 26, 2024 • 1 Reader • 400 pages