


Chasing Redbird

1997 • 8 Readers • 272 pages 4.6


The Hobbit

Middle-earth Legendarium

1937 • 4,160 Readers • 10h 24m 4.3


The Two Towers

#2 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 2,201 Readers • 447 pages 4.4


The Fellowship of the Ring

#1 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 3,278 Readers • 398 pages 4.4



#1 of 1 in Inkheart Trilogy

2003 • 516 Readers • 556 pages 3.8



#2 of 4 in Inkworld

2005 • 174 Readers • 635 pages 3.9



#1 of 5 in Brian's Saga

1986 • 436 Readers • 214 pages 3.6


How to Train Your Dragon

#1 of 12 in How to Train Your Dragon

2003 • 104 Readers • 214 pages 3.6


The Lightning Thief

#1 of 7 in Percy Jackson and the Olympians

2000 • 2,353 Readers • 377 pages 4


Delilah Dirk And The Turkish Lieutenant

#1 of 3 in Delilah Dirk

2011 • 22 Readers • 176 pages 4.1


The Wanderers

2017 • 36 Readers • 386 pages 3.8


The Ruin of Kings

#1 of 4 in A Chorus of Dragons

2019 • 278 Readers • 560 pages 3.7


The Empire Strikes Back

#5 of 7 in Star Wars: Novelizations

1980 • 15 Readers • 212 pages 3.6


Return of the Jedi

#6 of 8 in Star Wars Novelizations

1983 • 22 Readers • 248 pages 3.5


Star Wars - Queen's Shadow

2020 • 4 Readers 3.3


Heir to the Empire

#1 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1991 • 447 Readers • 404 pages 4.1


Dark Force Rising

#2 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1992 • 258 Readers • 391 pages 4.1


Master and Apprentice

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2019 • 104 Readers • 330 pages 4


The Last Command

#3 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1993 • 236 Readers • 498 pages 4.2


Queen's Peril

#2 of 3 in Star Wars: The Padmé Trilogy

2020 • 46 Readers • 276 pages 3.7


Star Wars

5 Star Wars Legends

2000 • 8 Readers • 368 pages 3.5


Star Wars

Star Wars Legends Universe

1994 • 23 Readers • 341 pages 3.5


Cover 2

Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren

2 Readers 4


Resistance Reborn

Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

2019 • 58 Readers 3.4


The Eye of the World

#1 of 14 in The Wheel of Time

1990 • 1,948 Readers • 708 pages 4



9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2022 • 53 Readers • 332 pages 4.1


The Rising Force

#1 of 20 in Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice

1999 • 13 Readers • 171 pages 3


Light of the Jedi

#1 of 2 in Star Wars: The High Republic

2020 • 229 Readers • 368 pages 3.7


The Dark Rival

#2 of 20 in Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice

1999 • 10 Readers • 122 pages 3.7


The Rising Storm

2 Star Wars: The High Republic

2021 • 89 Readers • 430 pages 4



Star Wars: The Essential Legends Collection

2013 • 18 Readers • 528 pages 4


In the Lives of Puppets

#1 of 1 in In the Lives of Puppets

2022 • 562 Readers • 420 pages 4.1


River of the Gods

2022 • 52 Readers • 368 pages 3.8


Star Wars: The Living Force

2024 • 4 Readers • 432 pages • 16h 11m 3.8



#1 of 1 in Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' Stardust

1997 • 1,203 Readers • 248 pages 4


The Ritual

2011 • 135 Readers • 418 pages 3.4


The Accidental Further Adventures of the Hundred-Year-Old Man

#2 of 2 in The Hundred-Year-Old Man

2018 • 22 Readers • 448 pages 3.8


Star Wars: Episode 1 the Phantom Menace

#1 of 7 in Star Wars: Novelizations

1999 • 62 Readers • 384 pages 3.3


The Bones Beneath My Skin

2018 • 42 Readers • 400 pages 4.3


The Road

1974 • 1,963 Readers • 287 pages 4