Ali Ismail



The Epigenetics Revolution

2011 • 26 Readers • 320 pages 4.2


Beating Back the Devil

2004 • 6 Readers • 303 pages 4


Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life

2005 • 21 Readers • 553 pages 4.5


Parasite Rex

2000 • 17 Readers • 320 pages 4


Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body

2003 • 10 Readers • 448 pages 3.3


Wicked Bugs

2011 • 13 Readers • 288 pages 4.1


The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

2009 • 112 Readers • 470 pages 4.4


The Origin of Species

1859 • 239 Readers • 439 pages 4.2



2012 • 88 Readers 3.3


Teasing Secrets from the Dead

2004 • 6 Readers • 281 pages 3.7


The Family that Couldn't Sleep

2006 • 14 Readers • 299 pages 3.8


The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

2014 • 266 Readers • 336 pages 4


Life's Engines

2015 • 5 Readers • 256 pages