Featured Prompt

92 books

Need some shorter page turners to finish out my 52 book goal!

I'm at 42/52 and I'm trying to really make a push to finish the year! I have a few longer books (18–25 hours audiobook) lined up, so I want some shorter and easier ones to fill out the list. I tend...

All Systems Red

Featured Prompt

40 books

What are your favorite books by Indigenous Authors?

Books written by authors who identify as First Nations, Alaskan Native, Native American, Indígena, First Peoples, Aboriginal, and other Indigenous peoples of North and South America.

My Heart Is a Chainsaw
The Only Good Indians

Featured Prompt

42 books

Favorite Space Opera books

Action/Adventure, fun casts of characters, galaxy spanning. While there's no shortage of military oriented SF, I'm looking for ... not that.

John WilkerSupporter
Leviathan Wakes

Featured Prompt

79 books

What are your favorite science fiction books of all time?

Science fiction as a genre includes a wide range of topics. From imaginative and futuristic concepts to space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, extraterrestrial life and more. What stan...

The Murderbot Diaries #1-4: : All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy
The Sparrow
Parable of the Sower

Featured Prompt

3,356 books

What are your favorite books of all time?

When you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...

Light from Uncommon Stars
The Name of the Wind