Great Read
This was a fantastic read. Anna was jumped through time and into a parallel universe where everything was different. If I had been in her place, I would have done all the same things to solve the mystery. I'm hoping that this is just the beginning because I want to know what's next.
A Dark Garden Path
It's been a long time since I have read something like this. Ribbons is one of those reads that takes you down dark garden paths to places far outside the mainstream, and make you think about where your life could have gone. I liked it. The characters are believable and very very human, even the not so human ones. While not heavy on the fantasy side of urban fantasy, it definitely has magic. If you like your urban fantasy to wander into dark and unknowable places, you'll enjoy this book.
An Auspicious Beginning
I thought that this was a great start to a promising series. The characters were believable, though I had a hard time keeping some of them apart. The alien language was interesting, but I wasn't sure why a telepathic language wouldn't just translate directly to terms we know. Sure, there are aspects that don't have neat translations that would need new terms, but it always felt a bit odd. The hyper evolved squid was cool, and he's quite a character. It says something that he and I would be frenemies at best. I'm looking forward to more. It's been a long time since I've picked up a good science fiction read. And even longer since i picked up one in a series that I want to continue.