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Rating: 5/5 stars.
A Game of Thrones is the acclaimed novel of George R.R. Martin, focusing on the land of Ice and Fire, and the interesting characters found in it. Power, love, gold and family will move this characters to do everything they can, and this games of thrones are only beginning.
What else could be said about such a book that hasn't been said before?
I really loved this book. It was such a great realistic piece of fantasy. And not one to put pretty things around and sugar coat life. This is the stuff I like. This is what I love to read.
The book is very well written, and you can tell from the beginning that everything is set up perfectly and that it all adds up for a better and bigger thing, and that this first book was just the introduction to it all. I'm really excited to go on with this series and follow along the game of thrones.
What I specially like about this book is that all of the characters (at least the ones that do matter) are presented in a way that you get to know them, even thought it's not immediately. Like, I know eventually I'll know everything about them. Right now I can tell you so many things about them just guessing around, because I feel like I've known them forever. This means really good character development.
At first I kind of panicked for all the characters that I sometimes forgot who they were and who's side they were on, but later I learned that really, that's kind of the idea. Don't try to learn them all, they probably won't last anyway.
Even now I already have defined which characters I like and which not. Like, I have such deep emotions for some of them that wow, I might kill someone out of frustration.
Anyway, it does strike hard in the heart this book, sometimes it hurts to see what a mess everything is and how much changes have been made to it all. It's hard, I won't lie.
And there's so much things I can quote out of this book, and sometimes they're such beautiful passages. Let me show you. (Tyrion is one quotable motherfucker)
“My mind is my own weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind... and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.
Tyrion Lannister
“The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends”, Ser Jorah told her. “It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace.”
Ser Jorah Mormont
“Oh, but it was, my lord,” Cersei insisted. “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.”
Cersei Lannister
Like, there was only 100 pages or so left, and then Ned got killed and I just stood there like, no way, this is fake. And literally for those 100 pages I stood believing that he was still slive, even thought all of the family new, and they were all mourning. And then the book was over and that's when I finally understood that he really was dead, and it hurt.
And finally I finish! It took me a while and a lot of determination but it was worth the effort. If a little slow at times, it's very gripping. It makes you want to read it at all hours to see what's going to happen next, what part of the story are you going to find, who's really who in the story... I enjoyed this book immensely. Very smart and real. And I can't hardly wait to read the sequel to this. The only thing that ticked me was the excessive descriptions of everything and everyone. It could have done without a good 100 pages. Although necessary at times, some things should have been left without saying, after all, they didn't add anything to the story.
All the same, a great book I would recommend to everyone that isn't squeamish or sore on delicate subjects, because this has a lot of them. But most definitely read this book.
I have to admit, this book was better than the other. All the things that happen here. Let's start by Jane of Arc. OMG! When I saw she was alive...I died. I'm also sick of Josh and his stubbornness. It's just so annoying! And Maquiavelo. Oh, God. I saw it and I couldn't believe it. Then Perenelle, my beautiful Perenelle. She's almost free and she met this spider who's name is too weird to write here. I love Perenelle. And Morrigan is going to be locked! And last but not least, I still live Scatty and I must confess that I never felt sad when Dagon took her, I know she's alive. I can feel it. In my bones. This book was really good, definitely. I loved it. I highly recommend this.
This book. I don't even now where to start.
Lets start by this. If you see the progress I've made through all the series, you'll se that I have been constantly annoyed by the presence of Josh. I could find moment where I could stand him, but most times I just wanted to slap him in the face. That said, I didn't even felt a ghost of those feelings through the whole book. My image of him gave such a 180° turn. And that ending was killer. I have to admit, it did surprise me. Even though I had this idea that the death was going to be like part of the twins' family, I really didn't expect him to be Josh.
Also, all this people who died...wow, it was hard, and how all the things resolved after all that mess.
And Isis and Osiris. What the Hell!? That was really not what I expected.
Also, I'm kind of intrigued if the Flamels' lived to see another day, I mean, that's what I got.
I really loved how this whole series turned out to be. Not in a million years was I expecting to read all this, I just wasn't expecting it. I finally feel happy about everything in the story. Because every time I finished one of this books I was always so conflicted about something really important. I do have some thoughts about this book, like for example, of Sophie was something important and what character in history will she be. And then what happened to Virginia and the others. But I'm ok, I think I'll live without knowing.
I recommend this books to everyone. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
For some reason, I haven't read this and only when Inferno came out was that I even found out that that was the fourth book and this is the third. Like seriously, is there a pact where everybody agreed to never talk about it again?