798 Books
See allI am honestly pretty ashamed with how much I actually enjoyed this book.
Like I enjoyed and appriciated the way this was written. The conspet was so intresting.
I just wished there was maybe not as much focus on the rape, sex, and violent stuff
Well this book is really somewhat hard to write a properly worded rewiev about. I mean there is just so many thoughts. I can start with the basic stuff.
The therapist, OMG how much I just dislike this therapist. It is just the most horrible and annoying thing ever. How she just does not seem to understand jack shot.I mean she does but it almost seems like she is just totally incompetant in everything she does.
The main caracther I do kinda like. I enjoy her general vibe. She seems relateble and I can easily understand why she does alot of the stuff she does. I am not a fan of how she seems to just be so god damn lazy and just plain out lie her way out of situations. I understand she is struggeling and stuff but the book seems to make it that being ill is an exuse for being a total dick. There is always some sort of understanding but at times this book crosses that line and well so that.
I have to say that leaving the main caracther unamed does give the effect that we can add it almost to everyone we know. It does it give it some sort of effect that makes it feel closer.
In general I did not like this book a lot but it also was not horrble.