Well I have to agree that this book deffintly bring the book upwards for me. I think i am starting to like the first book a little bit more now just byreading this one.
I felt we got a lot more fun deph from this story.
I liked and enjoyed seeing just how they grew up to become adults and more to be their own people. I mean in the sence condisering what time it was written.
I am still not totaly fammiliar and used to reading older littarture so I am probely giving it a lower rating than I usally would. I mean considering that if I was more used to it I would probely say it is a 4. Since I am not used to it I would say it is a 3.5. Mostly since I felt I had to stop and breath so often But that is jusr 100% a personal thing. I felt there was actually not a great many reasons to have to stop if I was more comftreble with the language. So 3.5
Meine hvirdan skal jeg si det.
Denne er bare så bra!!! Elsker når du endelig får en ny i serien og bare elsker den også
Honestly in some ways I am really unsure what to even say about this book. It was not that great
I found the topics really interesting but in some ways felt it repeated the same idea over and iver
I quite enjoyed this book. The stories were kinda funny. I had a feel good experience while reading threw this book.
If somone is intrested in music and just want to read meoris to people and pianos. It is just a funny and feel good book. There is not need to think or focus mmusch which sometimes is really needed. So yes I am happy with that.
The love I have for this series. It is just so GOOD. Like apselutly amazing.
It was also frusterating tho, as well... I am a huge fan of disney. I love the classics and all. At times I love the consept of the retelling. BUt this one, the conspet of what was changed was not for me.
I would much rather want evil Elsa, the thing I have been wanting to read alot.
But it was still so good. Like the story was so well written. I did want to rip out my own hair at times but mostly in a good way. Just IT IS SO GOOD
This is some of the stories by charles dickens. It contains- A chrismas carol: This is a story many are fammiliar with, me included. I myself have never read this before. But I did enjoy the story and it was to my expectations.- The chimes: This was personally a story I have not once before read. I enjoyed the story. Dickens also here shows the point of the poor and where the rich are cruel and belive the poor can only be evil and such. So it is quite gloomy and I would not disgribe it as a story being read for lighthearted purposes - The cricket of the heart: The story is about John Peerybingle and his wife. They live with their baby and the baby's nanny. There is also some connections to the previous stories here. Not sure if it was done intensionally tho. I did feel that this story took a little longer to get into than the two previous ones.- The battle of life: This story is not as much resolved around chrismas (even tho it is the chrismas season) and so has way less chrismas feeling when reading it. The story is about two sisters. The youngest was in love with him and he left for a few years, after that the man comes back. There is another man aswell wh was avced to leave the city and so he brings this youngest sister with hm and leave during the party for Alfred (man that just cae home). In the youngest sisters adsence the biggest take its shot as she also liked Alfred . For me this story honestly was not the most exiting for me. And I am not sure how much I liked it- The haunted man: The story about a chemist, and lecturer in the subject, Mr Redlaw whose home and teaching establishment occupies part of an old educational building in a somewhat poor and rundown part of London. It is a typical ‘Be careful what you wish for' kind of story.So to rewiev the whole book as a whole, I in general enjoyed reading this book. I did however did not feel it was a spectacular read. The writes was how one might expect but I did not struggel to understand. Dickens is really good at writing disriptions and you really can live in the writing. Overall: 3/5
I dont even knlw wjat to say. I am speechless.
I cried so mich while reading it. It was so beitiful and I just... wow
Ye, no suprise I did not like this. It is a boring af selfhelp type book. Everything was just not for intrst to me. It was decent to listen to while focusing on other things tho. I mean as it was so boring
Eg ville sagt eg har gitt ann mye bedre enn ann an burde få. Boken hadde ingen karakteroppbygning. Det er ikkje realistisk nok og blir for lett til at du klarer å leve deg inn i boken.
Men ann får to siden jeg noen ganger er glad i lettlest ig det vil jeg si denne var.
Boken handler om frihet. Den handler om Viktor som ikke vet hva det er. Boken kan leses av alle, men du bør kunne Harry Potter for å forstå mere
I quite liked this book alot honestly. The length of the chapters were a little bit on the shorter side but for this situation that was perfectly alright. The writing style was easy to follow with not many complicated words.
In this case that might also have a tiny small downside as the subject is kinda heavy. It is about a boy that is talking and living his life at a phych ward and his experience with mental illness. When the writing gets to easy the severity of the subjcet tends to often get a little lost along the way. i personally did not feel that it was a huge problem with this book but some people might expereince that the severity is not properly showed.
The book did manged to keep almost some kinda of lught spirit about itself. They talk about how they plan their future, their experince with diffrent medication but tyen afterwards tear them all up as looking at plans stresses the main caracther out. It is serious and we can see and understand that this is problem the mc is struggeling with while it still being kept light enough that we can follow along.
I did overall relly enjoy this book and recemedn it to other people that want an easier read while still being about an heavier subject
This is the first welsh book I read. I did quite like it. Was easy so I understood but hard enough so I developed my language more.
Dyma'r llyfr cyntaf i mi ddarllen yn Gymraeg. Y Llyfir oedd yn anodd.
The book was better than the apselute worst. But I can also not speak highly of it. It was pretty boring and just one tracked. There was only talked about how you can use diffrent littary styles but it did not provide any proper examples of good or bad.
Somehow this was not what I expected... it is darker and mlre conservative. Less make children or let children But more struct
This book is set in Germany and France. It is a dual point book about a german boy and a french girl. Werner the boy has a talent for fixing littary everything and he gets accsepted into a schol where he is trained to be in the third reich.Marie, the french girl is blind. She ‘survives' with the help of books.Obviouslt the war happens and well Marie moves for refugee and blablabla. No need to summerize it all.When first starting to read this book I felt it was hard to be motivated from it. It felt real slow and just tidious to get it moving. The writing style for me seemed almost like a real bad cartrip. The gas is pressed and it rushes in full speed before suddenly it coming to a full stop. Almost like at times, he uses too long on small details I was not really intrsted in. But rushed past intresting stuff.He does howver get some small point for his choices in adjectives and generally discibing. He is goof at making things sound pretty, realistic and just generally a wide language.I was real disepointed in just how little time the two mc got together. I wanted more, way more. I bearly even felt connetcted with them BOTH before they wre seperated again.I did not overall like this book too much honestly. Has to be a 2/5 for me. Only getting a few minor points
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