I am honestly not sure what or how to properly word my feelings.
This was a real cozy and pleasureble read for me. I went that when I read this book I was sitting down and relaxing. The writing was not overly complicated and I understood what was haping. I liked that the stories were seperated but they also connected so much.
In earlier experience I have felt like the stories are so long and kinda have so many small details that I do not need in shortstories collections. For me this was not a problem while reading this. I felt honestly I was just sitting down and relaxig and enjoying a good and relaxing book with a small presentage of confusion.
The stories were all long enough to make you feel you were not left out of anything but short enough that I did not want to rip out somone troath so the story continoues along.
I also really enjoyed the whole idea of this timetraveling. It is simple in the idea and does not complicate the storyline too much. It is short and just as a small litte experince. I alomost felt like it is just like when you have a cup of coffe (or tea for my taste) and you start daydreaming. But in that daydreaming you get lost and suddenly you have bad time and need to drink as fast as you can and get along.
And I feel that the consept where the timetraveling is only while the coffe is worm (so not a long time) can in some ways be the same. So on the same topic the ghost, is somone that got lost in the daydream. And so is not anymore connected with the real world and lost all that mattered in the present.
Anyways I just felt it was a good and relaxing book, so overall I really enjoyed reading it.
Sometimes you start a book at random. Like I did with this, you expect little ad go in blind. I was suprised to learn just how much I enjoyed reading this. All the small stories and talks about books. Ye I like it for sure
I liked that it was many shorthistories and interwies with the ‘stars' from the books. There were adventures from the time we don't know about and I really liked the gods. The only thing is that I wish there were more insiders about the camp. Not just Percy
I really lived this book. There were some grose moments and none of the stories were to sjort or to long. The author managed to capture creat eximnet and terrifing stories in an amazing way.
This book deserves no more. I mean come on!!!!!!! In what univers can this even be considered good? I had like NO fucking intrest in the main caracther apart from maybe the two first chapters.
I felt like no feelings. Neither posetive or negative. Stuff just came as information out of the blue, like there was no build up. No real exitment. It was just a bunch of infromation and nothing I had or coud think of.
I mean the main carather, like I dont care about the stuff happening with you or how great or bad of an actor your wife is. Just get it over please, i dont care. Plus it wasnt even needed for me to know. Ye fuck this book
I was really looking for a romance this time. But I really lived that it was a fictionworød it was set in, and romance in the flashbacks.
I mean yessss. This was cute but also not. I looved the relatoonship and was so sad when they did not end up where I wanted and it really shows how cruel the world can be
Well, I am not sure how I feel about this book. I just honestly feel I read it? And then I just had like no thoughts while actually reading it? Not sure if that is my own fault, like my headpsace or it was the actual book.
I cant reacll anything really bad about it. So I can not really justify any lower star rating but I alos can not justify any higher.
I found the general writing style intresting and fun. I enjoyed the overall way it was written and how it was not as easy for me as a reader to understand and tis time I did not mind that.
So, I think that is all pretty much
Harrow is a walking trauma ... an unreliable narrator? Yeah
But in this case so utterly unreliable that she alters our memories of what came before, and that by quite alot—which, not for nothing, is a BIG swing on Muir's part, and one that she pulls off, not gracefully, but with devastating brute force. And also somewhat hallerious in my opinion.
The book's universe revolves around a galactic empire ruled by a god-like emperor and eight noble houses. After ten thousand years of uninterrupted rule, the eight Lyctors, representatives from each house with demigod powers who serve directly the emperor, are depleted. There are only three left, and so a new group was educated to take their place. In the first book, only two of the eight representatives survived to achieve the status of a Lyctor: Ianthe and Harrow. They join the emperor and the surviving three Lyctors on an isolated space station. At first, they hide from the nigh unkillable Resurrection Beast, and later they prepare to fight it.
So to the more detailed or serious part of this rewiev. (That I feel will be complicated and confusing to read) The narriation style, it is written from both a third and secound pov, which is honestly confusing. Like super confusing. And to make it even worse the ending has some first pov aswell. Like ye, that is confusion. Like I mean it makes sence it is writen like this when thinking back. Like it is all written from Gidion pov and at first she sits there like a silent creature. But after awhile she gets more presence and starts to talk more just to Harrow.
There is also the still everlasting thing taht the author somewhat feels like he is trying to scram and push too much into that are supose to be vauge but at times just gets confson. Like it is already confusing enough with all the magic and tecnology and having to think of that and undertsnad it. Just the flashbacks can at times make it even more confusing.
I mean dont get me wrong I do LOVE this book. Like it is so close to beig a 5 star. Just not totally yet, as this narriator thing did bug my brain at times.
But the stroy, OMG how I just love the overall story of this book so much. And the cara thers are even better. And the idea, like how can it even be thought. Like it is just so good and I feel kinda all weird and somehwt empty now after having read it. So yes, it is awsome.
I just like the overall book in general. I like how they were confused and in the end it turns out that this is a game from the ‘creaturs' of earth that have some fun.
Well, ever since I heard about what this book is I have been wanting to read it. It sounded like an adoreble and cozy and just super relaxing break from the world.
Honestly, I have latley been just somewhat tired after focusing. The books I have read latley have mostly been hard and needed more focus. So this was a nice break from all that, just being allowed to read and relax as much as possible. So that was really nice.
Now to the actual review part of this.
I really enjoyed Viv's motivation in this book. Just wanting to settle down. I mean I agree, I also just want to sit down and relax. Just wanting a cofee shop and to run it and show people magic cofee. Like yes please give me.
I am usually one for more high stakes fanatsy. Usually, the last three books have been low stake so I seem to start liking low stake now.
I enjoyed that it was set in the DnD kind of place. I felt like this was a campaign that in some ways I could fill my time with. Between the attackers and quests in the campaign Needing to grow the caracther and all.
This was a strong and well written book that seeminglly allowed the cacarthers to grow and filll the space they wanted without the plot just supressing them. Something I really appriciated. It was writen easily without just being straight out a children book.
Overall I really enjoyed this book.
Honestly I am a little in awe of this book. It manages to hold your curosity and intrest and never let bit go to the last page. I liked the way it jumps from past to present time constently.
I am still in shock by the ending, finnaly understanding why it is how ti is in the presnt time. It just shocked me so much.
The story was a little TOO messy for me but yes I did enjoy it in general.
This book was mostly amazing. The only trubble for me is the ending.
She got an almost evil feeling over her after she woke the dragon. I could not make any sence of this. And that they wern't on the earth also make little sence and just came out of the blue for me.
That is why this book does not get 5 stars. The 2-3 last chapters ruined it for me
The book is intresing
It is a classic romance with a not so classic twist.
Noah and Allie have met a summer when they were young. 14 years later they meet once again.