208 Books
See allEntiendo por qué recomiendan arrancar Mundo Disco por el tercer libro xD Estaba esperando un poco más de la chispa de Pratchett pero no se dio tanto como querría. También me hubiese gustado que los personajes femeninos fuesen al menos bidimensionales, pero contexto histórico, etc. La historia en sí me pareció entretenida y disparatada, con algunas vueltas que te dejan doliendo el cuello xD El worldbuilding me pareció muy interesante y tiene un potencial tremendo. No sé si voy a seguir leyendo libros de la saga porque son una banda (dice la que está al día con el Cosmere) y aunque son lindos, no son algo por lo que me muera por saber qué pasa después.
One of my favorite Sci-Fi books ever, The Martian Chronicles is a collection of short stories that take place in Earth and Mars. They tell us about the rise and fall of civilisations, of how society could respond to encounters with beings that, albeit extraterrestrial, they're not really that different from us. Love, yearning, hope, despair, you can find everything and more between these pages.
It's a nice enough book for people who were born in the ‘70. The whole book is nothing but an homage to the 1980s and since I was born in 1988, most of the references got lost on me. I had to google most of the characters named and I haven't played any of the games that are played during the book and I only saw 2 of the movies mentioned. All in all, it's not a bad book, but the target audience is too limited.