The author Elisabeth Tova Bailey had contracted a rehabilitating disease and she was bed ridden for a number of years. She missed the outdoors and have living things around her, than a snail enters her life As one reviewer wrote "An exquisite mediation on the restorative connection between nature and humans..." Beauty is all around, one only needs to look for it, in this case a snail. Over the period of time that this book covers the author carefully observes the snail and its activities. This process helps with her healing mentally. The lesson one learns is that connectons to nature are importnt.
The author Elisabeth Tova Bailey had contracted a rehabilitating disease and she was bed ridden for a number of years. She missed the outdoors and have living things around her, than a snail enters her life As one reviewer wrote "An exquisite mediation on the restorative connection between nature and humans..." Beauty is all around, one only needs to look for it, in this case a snail. Over the period of time that this book covers the author carefully observes the snail and its activities. This process helps with her healing mentally. The lesson one learns is that connectons to nature are importnt.