Location:Richland, WA
4 Books
See allJ.K. Rowling ends her brilliant series in a way that both satisfies and inspires. As with every favorite book series, I was sad to see it end and yet the ending made me feel like all was well in the wizarding world. I highly recommend the entire Harry Potter series.
As an author I also enjoyed studying the writing techniques and plot arcs of this novel as well as the way she managed to engage us so thoroughly with the characters. I have learned so much from her. Thank you, Ms. Rowling.
Intense and colorful world building. I am looking forward to reading the future books in the series. Nice to see there are a lot of them. I enjoyed the twists in the story so far and I the characters seemed real to me. Well done and great escape reading. A good clean read as well, for those to whom that is important.
Really impressed by the first book in this series. Only one problem I can see. Now I have to wait for book 2 to come out. I'm a huge fan of time travel fantasy and this one was awesome. A few very interesting twists and some characters that make you want to hang out with them and know more about them.
If you like “what-if” scenarios, you'll love this alternate history that takes place in an America that was never settled by the Europeans, where the indigenous people still live traditional lives, only set around the 1970-80s. The characters are intriguing and the world-building was exquisite. I hope there will be more in future.
Future Apocalypse: Homeward Bound by Barbara Gilbert
The Perils of Paulette Continue:
Unlike the classic “talkie” movie, this Paulette is no “damsel in distress”. A strong female protagonist with spunk, intelligence and a wry sense of humor. She encounters one horrendous threat after another. Just when you think she's a goner and the world will now come to an end...but then, that would be telling, wouldn't it?
Time travel with more interesting twists and turns and interesting paradoxes than I would have thought was possible. Worth the time, even if you don't have a time machine.
Note: I was privileged to get an avance copy of the book ahead of time. This review was not solicited nor was I paid for doing this review.