A very sweet book about looking past appearances, allowing yourself to change, healing from trauma, and finding your people. The main character is an adult in his 40's just trying to get through life and meet his responsibilities when he is presented with a task that pushes him to ask more from life.
In the world of this book, magical people exist and there is a lot of hostility towards them. All magical people must register with the government so that tabs can be kept on them, and most non-magical people are fearful and suspicious of them. The main character Linus's work situation is comically hostile and Linus is basically shut down, distanced from his emotions, just to survive. As a caseworker for the Department in Charge of Magical Youth (DICOMY), he investigates the "orphanages" where the magical youth are housed to render judgment on whether the orphanage is doing its job properly and should be allowed to remain open. Because of his ability to distance himself emotionally from his work, Linus is sent to Marsyas Island where some very unusual children are being housed. The children are unusual indeed, and so is their caretaker, and Linus's ability to keep his distance begins to falter.
At first I wasn't a fan of the overly black and white situation in this book with an adult main character, and the sweetness of what he finds at the orphanage on Marsyas Island. But as I read on, it won me over. It's a YA book for adults. It's an encouraging hug. It's really pretty good!
A very sweet book about looking past appearances, allowing yourself to change, healing from trauma, and finding your people. The main character is an adult in his 40's just trying to get through life and meet his responsibilities when he is presented with a task that pushes him to ask more from life.
In the world of this book, magical people exist and there is a lot of hostility towards them. All magical people must register with the government so that tabs can be kept on them, and most non-magical people are fearful and suspicious of them. The main character Linus's work situation is comically hostile and Linus is basically shut down, distanced from his emotions, just to survive. As a caseworker for the Department in Charge of Magical Youth (DICOMY), he investigates the "orphanages" where the magical youth are housed to render judgment on whether the orphanage is doing its job properly and should be allowed to remain open. Because of his ability to distance himself emotionally from his work, Linus is sent to Marsyas Island where some very unusual children are being housed. The children are unusual indeed, and so is their caretaker, and Linus's ability to keep his distance begins to falter.
At first I wasn't a fan of the overly black and white situation in this book with an adult main character, and the sweetness of what he finds at the orphanage on Marsyas Island. But as I read on, it won me over. It's a YA book for adults. It's an encouraging hug. It's really pretty good!