Some of the scenes in this one had my stomach curling a lot. Like I get it they are making a horror movie but whoa buddy gorey and gross x.x. Loved the narration of this audiobook, really seemed like it was a mix media book which i loved too. Definitely recommend reading at least once but don't eat anything while you read/listen to it lol.
Matt Haig has become one of my absolute favorite authors. Everything I've read by him so far is absolutely whimsical and raw and amazing. He is such an amazing story teller and really loved this one. I've read books very similar yet this one brought its own uniqueness.
I'm still in the process of reading but already know that this is a five star read for me. I can see how this book inspired 1984. I really loved the suspense and characters and the writing style. Definitely recommend for those that love dystopians
leave it to king to bring on the odd and weird. Not my favorite but i was intrigued the full way through.
I found this book to be gore-esque more so than scary. I felt there were parts that really could have been cut because they dragged on and the fact that the majority of the book was centered inside a grocery store or close to it i think really got me like okay is this going to evolve or what lol. The creature sounds like something out of cloverfield and overall i was laughing at some parts due to the predictability of some of the characters but over all it was okay it wasn't horribly terrible but not my favorite.
I'm not sure if the format that I had through the libby app glitched or what but I was expecting since it was categorized on the libby app as a comic/graphic novel that it would be setup as such. It pretty much followed the same script as the movie, no uniqueness, no extra storyline nothing. On top of that there was no ending to my copy. I scanned the QRC and it goes to a blank page. Pretty disappointed as I was really excited at the potential of a graphic novel/comic of the tron story but instead we get no finished book and pictures copied and pasted from the movie.
It was cute, heartwarming, and overall a nice reminder to appreciate life. It reminds me a lot of the movie UP with the adorable grumpy old man with life after his significant other passes as well. This book gave me a sense to be kind no matter how pissed off someone is or acting you have no idea what they are battling or going through at that given moment.
Not what I had in my head when i read the book description. That ending left me like ermmm just another day in mom hood face palm i was annoyed by the kids...I loved the parallels piece of it that was interesting but it was mainly about a mom complaining about being a said mom and how hard it is having two kids...Some may like this but I can't give in my mind above 1-2 stars for this one. Could have been cut shorter and really didn't need to be as long as it was and we don't need to talk so much about the breastfeeding piece..seriously... i was really turned off to that but hey you do you moms just not something I enjoy reading about in what should be a thriller book, which the first part was the only suspenseful piece the other 4 parts ugh....nope missed that mark badly. I definitely will not be picking this up again. Glad I got access to this on libby and didn't waste money buying the book.
I need to update this because after absorbing this book and the contents of this read I can genuinely say what I want to say about this one. I am rating this a 2 star review. I hated how much emphasis on the sexual interactions was within this book. I was pretty infuriated throughout when the main male CEO of the startup was this womanizer and coming off as this high and all mighty ego prick. I have a startup of my own. I've been many accelerators and incubators and have interacted with all walks whether they are east coast, west coast, and midwest/belt located startups and I can assure you that its not THAT toxic of an environment. Yes the portrayal of getting beta, and the hustle and flow of getting funded and the stress a CEO experiences to kick off running and be profitable, beautifully spot on. But this book was disgusting over emphasized on the sexual interactions and inappropriate work place harassment of many of the characters. I know this is just a fiction book but these stereotypes upset many of those of us taking the risk of throwing all they got into their vision and companies...I've never read anything Shafrir and I will say the flow of the story was good, I just didn't like the characters and how the women came off as throwing themselves to have sex with these big name CEOs and being weak within the confines of workplace harassment. I know this has happened to many women in tech including big name startups like Uber and Twitter but an everyday startup is more focused on getting kicked off than all this other nonsense. I wish there was more emphasis on pitching to investors, and how the engineers and marketers work instead of this scandal focus on who the CEO is sleeping with... I will say when this first started it really described the rush of competing and being a part of a startup but then this other element of unnecessary proportions unraveled and I just was more disgusted than anything.
i liked that they were reunited but i personally didnt like this one. maybe because it was more romance contemporary than the realistic fiction piece that was in the first book.
This series hasn't disappointed me yet. I'm loving the growth of all these characters. Definitely love peregrine. can't wait to keep going through this series. could possibly be a new repeat favorite
This book spoke to me at the beginning but towards the end it felt really rant like and thrown together with too many topics, but overall I enjoyed it. if I could give 3.5 stars i would.
Such a good book. I felt so many emotions for many of the characters and her journey for the MC. I am fascinated by this era and loved this perspective
Really loved this audiobook. Planned to continue with some of the exercises in this book and really made a lot more sense about anger and triggers specifically for me. Strong language but these are always the best non fictions
Where do I even begin....o.O This was the hardest most fulfilling book i've read in 2020 so far hands down. Wow...The domestic violence and the grooming of these young girls not only made me sick to my stomach and cry on numerous parts but Lei's character made me shout out several times yeah you badass get it! I was rooting for Lei the entirety of this book and wren has got to be amongst the highest of my favorites. They are THE perfect duo and I loved both of them. Aoaki was my next in line of favorites when it came to the characters but I shook my head on how much she was brainwashed and gaslighted by her situation...I loved the progression of this story, I am so anxious to pick up the second one now in this series and the fact there is a 3rd installment in 2021 coming o.O!!!?!?!?! yessssssss! overall what a hard read but amazing overall story. So glad I binged this one! Everything moved at a pretty good pace, I was never bored with the details and just ugh definitely recommend!
was definitely not expecting the experience/storyline i experienced with this one. its soo soo good. I am trying to get ahold of the rest of the series now because I want more lol.
Finally finished this one. so many topics and very informative as you expand your knowledge on AI. Really enjoyed this one. the chapters were just enough description and overall will be a great resource for refreshing in the future.
It was gorey and suspenseful and absolutely numbing in parts but the investigative part why is that a thing with all of these horror/thriller books. I love it but i think i've hit close to 8 of them this month if not in the process of hitting 8 lol. anyways i liked it got bored in some parts but definitely still worth a read.
I normally am not into romance style books but this one was great. I loved it. Really sad about the realities of CF but overall was amazing seeing it from different perspectives. Definitely recommend.
Oh man this series...I loved every single one of the kids. I loved everything about the loops. Oh man i'm sad this one is over and I can't wait to reread this next year.
I loved the mermaids, the world building, the pirates, the magic system, the pirate ships and travel of adventure.
I did not care for the protagonist Amora..I dunno if it was the character development feeling forced or rushed I dunno exactly what it was but I just didn't care much for her. Now the side character Bastian hell yes I want more LOL.
I got extremely bored with the second half of the book, i was so confused on why the fleeing maybe I missed something I dunno but I just wish there was more to the plot and a different element to the protagonist.
But the world building alone was what kept me going because I wanted to learn more about the environment than caring about the main character grimace face the dark magic or evil magic was interesting but I want more of that lol. and why on most YA fantasies is there a love/romance thing going on or maybe I interpreted that incorrectly and it really wasn't a love/romancey thing going on...I want the epic journey, the world building, the incredible magic system. I am still going to read the second in this series and I will definitely re-read this one because I had to of missed something while listening on audio book.
The narrator was good which helped me along the book. Overall I'd say 3 maybe 3.5 stars but definitely not a 4.
It was suspenseful and gripping and I was eager to learn more but that twist and ending I'm not sure i am a fan. Glad I got this from the library this is a one and done for me.
Cute story. The husband and his reaction was interesting, I feel he could have been more understanding to it but he was just so forward and meh about it. overall it was quick and to it. I liked it but didn't absolutely love it.