Very interesting conceit, but dragged on for a long time. Final quarter where the pieces finally fall together very engaging
It's so good. I feel like I will need to read this book 3 times before I fully comprehend it.
A very neat idea that shines in moments but overall never surpasses being a neat idea
Fun mystery. About halfway through the book I was really ready for something to be revealed. 70% of the way through almost every mystery becomes revealed, just by characters finally deciding to say the previously unsaid thing. It's mostly nitpicky but it did make the mid section of the book drag a bit.
Mary Oliver is undoubtedly a genius. However this book focuses a lot of time on her more recent works, which just don't shine quite like her older poems do
It's exhausting to read this book. It does not live up to the promise of the end of the first book in the series. Baru becomes less and less interesting as well as less and less competent as the story continues. I just couldn't bring myself to finish before my library loan was due, and can't be bothered to wait in line to check this out again.
Definitely reminds me that it's an early Pratchett. Doesn't quite shine as much as later Discworld