789 Books
See allMost of the pain of this book, for me, was when I got to the final word and the prevailing thought in my mind was, “There's no more of this.”
This was Emily's only novel. I find that to be a way more heartwrenching detail than anything that happened in Wuthering Heights itself.
I don't entirely know what to say. It's extremely powerful and left me in awe at the end.
It most certainly helps that the book was in a way autobiographical. Reading about the events of the author's life after finishing the book was very chilling and added an extra layer of severity and realness to the novel itself.
Insightful to say the very least in regards to depression and how it truly feels. An extremely important piece of writing that almost anyone should read at least once in their lives.
too brisk and too glib. the random paragraph to put Lovecraft himself in the story? a better author could have created something very powerful with a Lovecraft rewrite to criticize Lovecraft's racism