457 Books
See allOh Lord help me I loved these books so much. Now that I'm finished I feel like something important has been torn away from me. Must find another book to fill the void. I feel like this series was just beautifully done. The story, the writing, the concept...it was all so clean. The bond between characters brought me to tears, they were so real to me.
Anoshe ❤️
Loooooooord. I blazed through this book as fast as my eyeballs could read and I'm sad that it's already over. God it was just so perfect. It was cute and fun and romantic but not in a gross or unrealistic way as some of these young adult contemporary books can be. It was just perfect. I loved the depth of the characters, and the way the author made them feel so real. They were quirky and relatable and also dealing with some real shit. My only complaint was that it ended too soon, but that's also kind of a ridiculous complaint because it was 391 pages.
Ok. The cover art for this book is horrendous. It was recommended to me based on some other books that I like, and, wanting an escape from reality, I finally decided to give it a try. I had a few issues with it but finished it in 24 hours and wasn't bored at all.
Definitely a bit of that soulmate action that usually I don't like but the way it's presented here doesn't equal insta-love, which is cool. The characters have to get to know each other and don't just dive into head over heels love despite their magic bond shenanigans.
I'd also like to see less male overbearing protectiveness and more female kicking ass action. I think the main female character has the potential so I'm hopeful that in the next books, she gains some backbone and starts effing up some bad guys.