

Charlotte Hanley-Jacobson

Joined7 days ago




Charlotte Hanley-Jacobson's Books by Status

752 Books

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Eating In America: A History
America Eats!: On the Road with the WPA - the Fish Fries, Box Supper Socials, and Chitlin Feasts That Define Real American Food
Stalking The Wild Asparagus
Never Trust a Thin Cook and Other Lessons from Italy's Culinary Capital
Kingsblood Royal
Louise: Amended
Shocked: My Mother, Schiaparelli, and Me

Charlotte Hanley-Jacobson's Reading Goals


5/30 books

2025 Reading Goal

Read 30 books by . You're 1 books ahead of schedule. 🙌

Charlotte Hanley-Jacobson's Most Popular Reviews

One of the most difficult books I have ever read. I had to look up a study guide upon finishing it, and I wished I had taken notes while reading. That is not to say that it's not enjoyable - Salman Rushdie is an exceptional author, and very funny to boot.

March 1, 2011

Fast-paced (although fairly long) and engaging - a fun summer read. I am excited to read the next installment. I was a little disappointed at the end, as it felt to me like the author had concocted an elaborate mystery but couldn't find a graceful way to wrap it up. But still very enjoyable.

May 1, 2009

I really enjoyed this book. The parents made me so angry, yet they were such interesting characters.

February 1, 2008

An interesting read, although all the flashbacks can get confusing. The saga of Ruby Lennox is at times hilarious, and at times depressing. The author seems like it she trying to tackle too much - too many characters, too many writing styles, too many points of view. But still worthwhile.

April 1, 2008

This book is set in Rome and I was hoping to be reminded of the city while I read... but there is not much in the book about the city, and the characters are all so awful to one another! I found it to be depressing.

May 1, 2012