Dnf 21% I expected to love this but the protagonist was so unlikeable I quickly lost all interest.
Dnf 55% I was expecting riddles and puzzles but unfortunately this was just boring. Not awful just boring.
The brothers all melded into one (didn???t care about the romance subplot) and none of the characters made much of an impression other than Libby who I disliked, and Max who was annoying with the fake swear words. If it had been a standalone I might have persevered, but with a cliffhanger there didn???t seem much point.
Dnf around 45% right after the main character realised the love interest was the guy from the prologue, something that was so obvious I thought it went without saying that she knew. Overall she wasn???t very bright, despite alleged academic skills.
I honestly don???t understand the hype.
I listened to the audiobook which probably affected my enjoyment. The narrator did a good job, except for some reason she gave all the British characters ridiculously posh accents which was off putting and not at all attractive for the love interest. The dialogue was often oddly formal through, so perhaps that was the intention.
I had zero interest in the romance (I had to go back to check when the love interest said ???can???t do weeks of some shags with an end date in my head???. Maybe that was lost in translation, but talk about presumptuous! There was nothing to indicate our 17 year old main character would???ve shagged him.
Other than that it was a clean read, but I think it would???ve worked better as more of a coming of age, finding myself abroad, type story. I agree with other reviews that the main character was a bit annoying (explains why her boyfriend and best friend had had enough of her) but she wasn???t bad enough that I wanted to quit. (I don???t hesitate to dnf books with unlikeable protagonists.)
Overall it was okay, but there are better books out there. Fellow Brits might be irritated by some unnatural slang, but might also enjoy some of the details such as mentions of Walkers (smoky) bacon crisps. Yum.
I???ve read hundreds of self-published books on kindle unlimited and although there are sometimes more errors than I???d like to see, I???ve never encountered anything this bad before. So much so that it feels disrespectful to readers and left me annoyed and wondering if the author accidentally published a first draft??? The story wasn???t terrible, but I did get bored and skimmed from around 80%.
1.5 stars. It was okay. The main character was a bit annoying but tolerable. I found the switch to third person for the occasional Robbie chapters jarring. Overall it was a clean read (other than some random s words near the end) but didn???t have much to offer this ya-loving adult. Would be fine for younger readers looking for something fluffy and unrealistic, but there are better books out there.
Dnf 27% mostly because of the female narration, but I also found Matt to be a bit of a jerk.
This book started off well. The characters were likeable but but unfortunately it dragged on and on with the twitter war drama. I read for romance and found it lacking.
Dnf 20%. Love interest already has a girlfriend and mc is rude to him for no reason. Not for me.
Dnf 14% then skimmed to about half way. Just don???t like the main characters and can???t connect with any side characters because there are so many of them
Bye Bye Piper Berry - Julie Murphy ????????????????????????
Anyone Else But You - Leah Johnson - dnf (not for me)
The Idiom Algorithm - Abigail Hing Wen - dnf (got a bit lost with characters)
Auld acquaintance - Caleb Roehig - ??????????????????????????????
Shooting Stars - Marissa Meyer - ????????????????????????
Zora in the Spotlight - Elise Bryant - dnf (unlikeable heroine)
In the Blink of an Eye - Elizabeth Eulberg (another very unlikeable heroine and not a romance) ????????????
Liberty - Anna-Marie McLemore - dnf (not for me)
The Surprise Match - Sandhya Menon ??????????????????
A few thinking points (the 36 questions) and a lot of waffle. It would???ve been better about a tenth of the length. I was also uncomfortable with the author???s advice to people in abuse relationships (in my opinion abuse should be considered a dealbreaker not just a mistake).
Dnf 9% I could tell early on that I wasn???t going to like this, but I persisted as long as possible. The book was too sappy and the 15 year old characters say such unrealistic cheesy lines. Also referring to other girls as carbon copy bimbos didn???t do much to endear me to Rune. Genuinely baffled by all the positive reviews
Dnf 72% but I think I suffered through enough to consider it read. Xavier was the only character I was interested in hearing about, and I hated the way Ever treated him.