After 9 years I finally finished it.
Awesome series even with some dull stuff in between. Great characters and I think the ending is so fitting. Happy to have read it all.
Not what I was expecting but it was good. I think it could really benefit from being a little longer and fleshing out some of the characters and events more.
3.8/5 probably the best book of the series but it still suffers from the same problems as the other two. Drags in certain parts but I liked that each chapter switched between characters. Overall 3.5/5 for the series.
Creative idea and the art direction is top notch. Would've made an interesting movie.
4.5 the story really picks up here and there's never a dull moment. Characters I didn't expect to like are now my favorites. Good stuff.
I love the authors movies (Bone Tomahawk, Cell Block 99, Dragged Across Concrete) and this reads just like those. It's a bit of a slow burn but it's never dull, great characterization and it's brutal as hell (seriously, some messed up shit in here). Loved it.
Starts out strong then loses a lot of steam. I found myself zoning out at parts. Too many characters to keep track of. Too much lore and customs and BS I didn't care about.