
History Of Capitalism


Cover 1

#30 of 22 in The Princeton Economic History of the Western World

2007 • 1 Reader


Cover 6

Cambridge Essential Histories

2010 • 1 Reader


Civilization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century, Vol 2: The Wheels of Commerce

#2 of 2 in Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century

1979 • 6 Readers • 670 pages


The Modern World-System IV

#4 of 4 in The Modern World-System

2011 • 2 Readers • 396 pages


A Marxist History of Capitalism

2018 • 2 Readers • 148 pages


Capitalism and the Sea

2021 • 2 Readers • 432 pages


The Origin of Capitalism

1999 • 4 Readers • 216 pages


Pioneers of Capitalism: The Netherlands 1000–1800

#132 of 22 in The Princeton Economic History of the Western World

1 Reader


A Culture of Growth

2016 • 10 Readers • 403 pages


The Enchantments of Mammon

2019 • 6 Readers • 816 pages


Empire of Cotton: A Global History

2014 • 22 Readers • 640 pages 3.5


Capitalism & Slavery

1944 • 21 Readers • 307 pages 4.3


Theory As History: Essays on Modes of Production and Exploitation

#25 of 127 in Historical Materialism

2010 • 5 Readers


Institutions and European Trade: Merchant Guilds, 1000-1800

Cambridge Studies in Economic History

2011 • 1 Reader


The Types of Economic Policies Under Capitalism

#118 of 127 in Historical Materialism

1 Reader


Cover 5

#33 of 22 in The Princeton Economic History of the Western World

2010 • 1 Reader


Religion and the Rise of Capitalism

2021 • 7 Readers • 560 pages