87 Books
See allI liked that, a quick, entertaining palate cleanser type of book between 2 heavier books.
Definitely going to check out book 2.
Would have dnf-ed it if I was not playing a D&D Campaign set in Icewind Dale currently.
That was the most boring and pointless book I have read in a very long time.
Should have dnf-ed it.
3.5/5 Stars
That was a mixed bag.
The first half of the book is fantastic 5/5 stars but then it loses quickly once the novelty wears of and we stop learning about new worlds and it's all about his wife and kid.
There would be so much more interesting stuff to read about in this world.
On the other hand, I really like how the author writes, very clean, understandable the words jump off the page right into your brain and the novel really sucks you in within the first few pages.
I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes sci-fi, parallel words, mystery or thrillers.