Dead Cthulhu waits dreaming
My first time reading a Lovecraft story and it’s still a good read, though a bit old fashioned—some investigations or written past events can be a bit hard to follow.
The black and white aesthetic and dark atmosphere really suit the story with great two-page panels of The Great Old Ones and their city, some really horrifying scenes and the fantastic looking storm at sea.
Can’t wait to read other adaptations of Gou Tanabe.
It could be fun but it’s Marvel
The art is mostly nice with some really epic panels and interesting locations, though in some places it looks weird, especially the lightsaber trails in the air, and some fights are hard to follow.
The concept of Vader’s first mission is cool and there’s a nice scene where he makes a red lightsaber, but it’s over very quickly and characters talk too much—telling the reader some information, telling each other very obvious things or their motivation or what they think—, especially during fights.
Another bland project from Marvel.
Getting more hooked by the story
The art is still awesome, maybe even a bit better than in the first volume—great battles and duels, a lot of very nice landscapes.
The story also doesn’t loose the quality presenting Thorkell—super cool and intimidating—, some mystery with the prince and some part of Askelad's past. Overall it’s one dangerous event after another with no flashbacks this time. Also interesting to see what's happening with Thorfinn's family.
Can't wait to see what's next.
The origin of Winter Soldier
The writing by Ed Brubaker is great as usual of course, but the art is just okay with nothing interesting to look at and very hard to follow action scenes. Also it’s interesting to see some characters from the movies with different faces, although the cap looks funny to me.
And, as it usually happens with superhero comics, you need to know some additional characters who are connected to the cap from his earlier adventures.
I guess I'll continue looking for other Brubaker works elsewhere.
Spider mini adventures
A collection of short, fun, sometimes funny, very creative stories featuring a few spiders and a lot of villains (feels like every spider villain and a couple more).
The art is similar to double trouble comics, which suits these light adventures perfectly, and has some really nice scenes.
I should probably check out some other volumes in this series.
Cartoony Thor is kinda funny
The art is pretty nice, especially various and really cool Loki transformations. But the overall story is very simple—even compared to other double trouble comics—with a few fun character moments.
I hope we'll get another double trouble volume.
The Eclipse ends…
This can be traumatizing even for the reader.
Everything that happens during The Eclipse is really building up dread and horror inside. Some scenes are staying in my mind, I hope not for long. And again there's just too much unnecessary violence, especially towards Casca.
The ending has a feeling that no matter what you lost, no matter how hard it's to go on, you still can't give up.
I hope the situation gets a little better, but I need a break from this.
The Eclipse begins…
All the demons are just horrifyingly insane looking and so grotesque it’s hard to pull your eyes away from them. The art can't be better.
The whole Eclipse event is just shocking.
There’s nothing else to say, you just have to see it.
Immediately started the next one!
Demon Action
Finally we get some action against a demon and that fight is just wild, but basically it's just one long action episode with a lot of hints and foreshadowing about The Eclipse.
Of course the art is great, especially how the demon is shown, but some scenes just have too much unnecessary, gratuitous violence, even for Berserk.
Can't wait to see what's next!
Guts is back in action
There’s a lot here—some weird, demon stuff starts happening, interesting legend about the kingdom and the prison, action episodes against dozens of soldiers and a few unique eastern assassins with their unusual weapons, very cool emperor armour with a lot of small, unique details.
Also we learn a bit about Griffith's past and see how Guts thinks about life after some previous events.
So much anticipation for The Eclipse!
Manga about vikings…
This can be a good introduction to manga, especially if you like viking setting. The story has some nice features like a gradual unveiling of the situation through the whole volume and giving the reader just enough information to be intrigued. And of course interesting characters.
The art sometimes is almost as good as in Berserk—can be very detailed, shows the chaos of epic battles with a lot of sounds and things happening—,but it often has too many anime features, like faces. It’s also great at portraying snow—falling or covering everything—, seas, storms and auroras which looks unusual in black and white. The addition of maps is very nice and the action is fast-paced and has some anime features.
Overall it feels adventurous with a few funny moments, looking forward to some great story moments.
Monster horde returns
Features the same great style, atmosphere and a few cool characters from the first book and short, to the point intro—the first fight against a giant, dangerous monster is around page 50. However it feels a bit more overwhelming compared to the first book with too many events in parallel which can feel chaotic. And there’s a very annoyingly curious main character.
Even though there are still a few really large, epic battles, overall it's much less about epic and more about dramas and tragedies and mysteries about everyone. And the ending is nice, hinting at new adventures.
I hope the next book is a bit less tragic.
Miles is pretty cool for (not) a sidekick
After the previous volume with Venom this one—while featuring the same nice art style—has even more creative art choices and different panel designs with many impressive one or two page scenes.
Although overall it’s not as funny as the previous one it’s still very amazing and action-packed. Also it seems like it features every spider-man villain ever (plus Thanos).
Hope that Thor & Loki: Double Trouble is at least as good!
Venom can be funny
It’s very creative, really fun and looks fantastic with very nice two-page scenes. And there's a great one-shot included at the end with the same mood featuring a lot of spider-man related characters.
Perfect for kids and for adults who just want to have a good time without anything serious happening. Also you don't need to know anything about Marvel, spider-men, venom and whatever which is probably the best thing about this one.
Can’t wait to read the rest of the double trouble series!
From the creators of Descender and Ascender? I’m in!
The art is just fantastic—dark, blurry city views, Batman’s cape looks awesome, very nice two page panels. The main characters look a bit similar to a couple of characters from Descender but that’s fine.
Dark atmosphere and grounded fights. The story overall is nothing to write home about and some of Robin's monologues can feel simple but it works for a 12 year old super hero who tries to figure out who he is. Also there are a few other DC characters, but that's a surprise.
I need more of this art style, so I’m starting the next Ascender volume!
Geralt tries to take up wine making
Finally a Witcher volume consisting of 5 issues instead of 4. Twisty, intriguing and dangerous story with a nice ending in a setting from the end of the third game. Although Yennefer being unable to handle a couple of bandits is unbelievable.
Art is pretty good overall with some really cool close up shots of scary, crazy faces and nice, very bloody, gory action episodes. But Yennefer’s face looks horrible.
Looking forward to more Witcher comics.
Tiny Tina is back
Interesting, kinda personal story with Borderlands style dialogues and some funny moments. Tiny Tina is great as always, but three issues is a bit short.
Art is simple but good enough—a lot of pink panels, nice transitions from the game world to the real world, all the creatures look cool, awesome snacks and cool one page scenes.
Hope to see more of these.
It’s a classic, I guess
Wait, what, a mutant with super sharp blades growing out of his hands and who can't be killed pledged against violence? This won’t end well.
The art is good enough and quite detailed most of the time, but Wolverine always has some strange look on his face and in a couple panels some details were out of focus. Dialogues and action are mostly good but to me feel a bit confusing in some places. Overall the story, atmosphere and action episodes are very dark and violent. And all the famous heroes and villains are very old which looks interesting. But the f-word is censored for whatever reason, this makes no sense here.
Also to me some character moments feel like fan service—Hulk's descendants are evil landlords, Hawkeye is blind—, maybe because of how these things are spoken instead of just shown and sometimes are even repeated. And some famous Marvel characters can be seen in the background. Although an episode featuring other hero’s suit is quite interesting and fun.
But then the villain just tells all his motivation during a fight. And that happens more than once. What? Why? I guess, it’s a feature of superhero comics.
Yeah, I’m not a Marvel fan but at least this has a more interesting setup than the movie.
Depressed Griffith can’t be a good thing
Here we meet an epic and important looking skeleton and see very depressed Griffith—which is a big contrast to his usual behavior—whose actions have a lot of consequences for everyone.
Also there’s a new, interesting, unique enemy who brings cool action with some new fighting techniques. And overall the story here is great but couple scenes are a bit too much in my opinion, maybe at least they could be shorter.
Immediately started the next volume!
A break from all the previous action
It’s all about royal court intrigues, government stuff, useless dreams and personal things. Guts finally reflects on what he’s doing with his life and what he wants.
Overall it’s pretty slow with a lot of talking or thinking and hints at some big, important events, like a quiet before the storm. The ending is great once again!
Looking forward to the eclipse, I guess.
Ice boxes and Chores
So many very detailed panels with a lot of various, interesting creatures! It’s just amazing and inspiring!
Somehow this series still manages to stay very creative and fun and to add new characters.
Can’t wait for the next volume!
Delicious baked goods and The laughing dragon
While the artwork is still very stylish and unique, it’s somehow even more detailed here.
The stories are a bit darker and less funny compared to the first volume but they’re still really creative.
Hope the series stays at least this good in the next volume!
Ice cream in a desert and old-fashioned cinema!
A collection of very creative, funny, cute and very short stories (1-7 pages) with stylish, awesome, unique art. It’s just fantastic!
What else do you need from Cuphead?
Can’t wait to read the next volume!
Geralt looking for a job
Art style here is simpler than in other Witcher comics but it's good enough. And there are some interesting, unusual features like some events in the past are mixed in with the present and other characters narrating on top of the main events.
Geralt thinks about life and is a bit angrier than usual. And there’s a nice detective episode. Overall not a lot happens here, it's more about atmosphere and looking for a purpose in life.
So it’s a good one but not as good as most other volumes.
Contains spoilers
Epic battles and a bit more of Casca’s past
We finally learn some parts about Griffith’s past and see what he’s gone through. Again he talks about his dream but we still don’t know what that is.
Also here’s a lot of action! Awesome episode where Guts and Casca fight together, giant enemies in scary-looking armour with large, super dangerous weapons. And, of course, Guts being a super cool swordsman again! (he killed just too many enemies in one fight)
And I can’t not talk about the art. Night forest panels in black and white are so unusual and nice! And there’s a shot with some maps on a table as a part of the environment and even they’re extremely detailed when they don’t have to be. And here you can really appreciate the amount of different things like armour—most of the armour pieces are different between each other and there are a lot of shots with many armoured soldiers. The art is just getting better, it’s amazing!
And the ending is really cool. I have to read the next volume immediately!