it was nice to try something from a Chinese author about the Sci-Fi genre. A very rapid chain of events without many details. I liked it but I am not a big fan of this kind of fiction which is a bit too wild. I'd say it's easier to move people than to move the whole planet earth and wander with it in the universe looking for another star to hook up with. Even fiction should have some logic to it, right?
It's a very good read. I love the book but the end is shocking and very bleak. it left a very strong impression on me, can't get it out of my thoughts. George Orwell was a genius.
Socrates by Fracesco Barilli
The book is nice and has a lot of information about Greek mythology which I hadn't known before but reading it on Kindle was a real torture. I think comics should not be read on Kindle, the script is too small and zooming in is very dodgy. In general it's a nice comic book but avoid reading it on Kindle.
كتاب ساخر مليء بالايفيهات الغير مضحكه ويعتبر كل الناس فاسدين بنفس الدرجه وكلهم يستحقو القتل سواء كان بيعمل حاجه تافهه شخصيه زي واحده شغاله في الدعاره او واحد قتال قتله ومغتصب ،،، وفي نفس الوقت بيتعامل مع جني بيخون زوجته ان دي حاجه عاديه مفترض اننا نتعاطف معاها علي اساس ان زوجته مفتريه شويه ،،، كتاب ذكوري جدا ،،، هدفه يقول ان اصلاح مصر هو اصلاح المجتمع وليس التخلص من الفاسدين لان الاخلاق عموما فاسده والفاسدين هايفضلو يطلعو مهما حاولت تتخلص منهم ،،،اذا كان هدفه انه يضحك فهو ماضحكنيش واذا كان هدفه انه يوصل فكره ما فهو وصلها بأسوأ طريقه ممكنه مطعمه بافكار اخري سيئه جدا
a short story by the controversial Haruki Murakami. A nicely written story as usual. The absurd part with some supernatural element was added as a story within a normal story. I always look for any clues of misogyny in Murakami's writings but couldn't find one in this one. so, I liked it but because it didn't stimulate much thinking in me, I am giving it 3 stars.
كتاب ساخر لم يعجبني. مش عارفه هل فقدت احساسي بالسخرية المصرية بعد ما سيبت مصر ولا فعلا القصة مقرفة كما اراها!!!
بيحكي قصة شخص سافر فرنسا واعجبت بيه فتاه فرنسيه لانه من الجنس الحميري ,,, فاهمه ان الموضوع ساخر لكن ايه اللي يخلي حد اصلا يعجب بشخص يتصف بانه حمار؟؟!!! عاوز يثبت ايه بسخريته؟؟؟!!! لم افهمه ... وبعدين اشاره الي اقامة علاقة غير شرعية مع الفتاة بغرض انجاب طفل من الجنس الحميري بغرض انقاذ النوع الحميري ومع اعتراضه في البداية “لانه عيب” الا انه في النهاية وافق “لانه عادي عندهم” امعان في التنافر المعرفي اللي كان اهم سبب لتركي لمصر ,,, مافهمتش بردو مقصده ,,, الكتاب مضطرب ومليان شتيمه وسخرية من المصريين بدون تقديم حلول ,,, الكتابات دي كتيرة ... عرفنا اننا عندنا مشاكل ايه الحلول؟؟!! مفيش ,,, اتقفلت من الكتاب وماقدرتش اكمله وماستساغتش معناه ولا مقصده
I have just finished it. It's a nice philosophical work inspired by Arabic/Persian stories. It even has a story inspired by the Quranic story of El-Khidr and the prophet Moses.
The story has serious flows ... anti-semitism + religious bigotry let alone the seriously problematic story of El-Khidr. I gave it 3 stars only because of the nice language. But for the story itself, I give it one star.
كتاب بياخدنا في رحله في بيوت المصريين المسيحيين الفقراء ,,, مكتوب بطريقة سلسة فالكتاب يتقري بسرعة. ورانا ان المصريين كلهم زي بعض بنفس المشاكل والقيم,,, ادخلنا عالم فقراء المسيحيين اللي يعتبر بعيد عن ناس كتير في مصر وانا منهم ,,, شكرا مينا عادل ,, كتاب جميل وانتظر منك مزيد
قصة بائسة عن اسرة مصرية مسيحية فقيرة الست فيها مغلوبة علي امرها بتتضرب كل يوم من جوزها بسبب ومن غير سبب ,,, مع ذكر جانبي لمشاكل المسيحيين الفقراء في مصر من المتطرفين والجهلاء من فقراء الشعب المسلمين هما كمان ... دايرة عنف كل واحد بيفرغ كبته فيمن هو اضعف منه. للاسف القصة مكتوبة باسلوب مسهب زياده عن اللزوم وكان ممكن اختصارها في نص الصفحات لو شيلنا كمية الاطناب المبالغ فيها ,,, انا كملت الكتاب بصعوبة وكنت بسرح في النص من كتر الاسهاب في الكتابه كنت بنسي خط القصة الاصلي ,,, بسبب اسلوب الكتابة بس اديت تقييم قليل ,,, لكن القصة جيدة واتمني للكاتب كل التوفيق ويكتب كتب اكتر بس يقلل من الاسهاب الشديد في الكتابه رجاء
didn't like the idea of Europe being desolate and deserted in a thousand years while the USA is flourishing and young Americans are visiting Europe to communicate with their ancestry.
The book gives me a different perspective on the story that I have known well all over my life. I like her comments on some of the events and narratives.
I need to say that the book still contained some mistakes. For example, she insists that Fatima was Muhammad's firstborn daughter, traditionally Fatima is his youngest; his eldest daughter was called Zeinab.
a nice short story about how our daily routine makes us like robots and lose the feeling of being alive that we need a day within a day for ourselves to do the things we love.
The first work of Franz Kafka that showed me he wasn't completely pessimistic. The story implies that evil and tyranny are self-destructive but stupid ignorant people can always bring them back and that we have to debar them always from any power to prevent tyrannic rulers from coming to power. I love the story and the ending. Franz Kafka is one of the greatest writers to have ever existed.
Haruki Murakami is crazy, he mixes reality with fiction and leaves you lost between the two.
I love his writing as they leave me thinking about what he wants to say by this weird mix.
beautiful novel written as a sequel to Franz Kafka's “Metamorphosis”. I had to read Kafka's novel first to understand Murakami's Samsa in love. It is an amazing book that turned a gloomy story by Kafka into a nicer one. I love Murakami's works, they are very special and mind-intriguing.
you either love it or hate it. I think this kind of book has no middle ground.
It's about “the law of attraction” which I think of as nonsense. I can relate to some of its ideas psychologically but not to the extent this book sells it to you that you can change the universe only by your thoughts. I can only take the part I like which is, always think positively and don't let others get to you, anything else is total nonsense.
a nice book about a love story between 2 men during Nazi Germany. The story is somewhat average with no new ideas. But I'd still give it 3/5
I am not very pro self-help books but this is not a bad book. It might help you plan your day and count your available hours for better reading and improving your understanding of the world and possibly getting better in your field of interest if you have any.
had it as a gift from a dear friend. Lovely book with a nice font and beautiful illustrations.
I love it. finished in one hour. Will gift it to my niece. I think it's suitable for children.
a small book of a lovely story about the enduring effect of the Holocaust on the surviving Jewish children in a childen-village in Israel. I loved the book and cried loads several times while reading it.
a very nicely written book with very good and clear language. it's an eye-opener to someone like me who knows nothing about such problems. I come from a completely different culture with different problems and different kinds of tensions between people.
What I don't agree with is that the writer is very much into himself saying he is smart and top of his class several times, very modest :D .
He also implies that blacks are smarter than “whites”. We shouldn't face white supremacy with black supremacy.